gta IV settings

hello, just tried on my new laptop how high i can set the gfx-settings and still play smooth.

well atm i got:


Texture quality: High
Render quality: High
View distance: 10
Detail distance: 50
Vehicle density: 30
shadow density: 0

And can play it pretty smooth (playing with reflection-settings for 800x600) here for more infos:

BUT now my question:
As you may can see i have no clue what exactly each setup does and how heavy it will increase the amound of needed ressources.
I read that shadow density take up alos of the gpu performance thats why i put it to zero

Maybe you can help me ? :P

btw my system:

Intel Centrino2 dual core 2 duo T9400 2.53Ghz
4 GB ram DDR2
9800M GS 512 MB DD3
show off!
so, what's the question actually?
its a riddle
I highly doubt this l@l
cpu for view distance
i thnik i could put that higher then..
do u know which settings belong to the gpu?
My settings:

Texture quality: High
Render quality: max
View distance: 30
Detail distance: max
Vehicle density: 20
shadow density: 0
hmm yoru system is much betetr than mine.. and i play on a laptop too.. but the main thign i wanted to know is what setting needs which ressources..
so which settings are more cpu/gpu/ram heavy etc :D
gta4 braucht eig. nur cpu leistung :(
aber mit meinen settings dürfteste ziemlich gut unterwegs sein (wenn net dann detail distance etwas senken und texturen auf mittel stellen)
Buy a PS3 or xBox 360!
more attention
My settings are way higher than yours , check my stats
you also dont play on a laptop :P and i dotn give a shit.. i wanted to know which settings need which ressources.. what helps me if someone psots me his settings ?! oO
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