austria dominating

Martin Schmitt fucked up his second jump and ended up 3rd

Double win for austria

was an awesome finish... really exciting :)))
gtfo allready
It's always the same :D
Schmitt didn't fuck up his second jump. He had better conditions at the first jump. A third place is excellent.
indeed a 3rd place is excellent too and i d have liked to see him back on the top again but the conditions during the last 5 jumps were pritty even...

he clearly jumped off a little bit too late and missed the table... that was the problem
like we care
football > ski jumping
skijumping is exciting
really cant see a point in this sport, tho my father seems to like it :S
its like women cant see the point in football...
for me its exciting and furthermore my homecountry is pritty good in it...
Who gives a shit.
Me gives a shit. But only becuz its viech :_D
malysz will always be nr 1
It's always funny to see how Germans hype every "sports" they have some top runners in. Nobody gave a fuck about Schmitt when he dropped back and now they're desperately trying to hang on to him again.
I hope you know that he is from Austria.
He isn't talking about viech?
Matti Nykänen > ur shit jumpers.
A third place is really excellent, when u saw how martin jumps in the past =(.
he has jumped very very very well. Osaka or something olympic games :D
there was this finish guy who used to bash everyone a few years ago :D
It got popular pretty late and when Schmitt came (first time) it turned into a giant Milka teenie fest. We Dutchies don't need mountains anyway, we got hills and real sports! ;-)
good that you're from the pott originally :P
Dutch version of it ;-)
We do the same, no one really cares about field hockey in any other country. Also darts only got popular after Barney had won something. Before that I think 90% of us couldn't have told us the name of any darter.
Well it's normal for a country to emphasize thing you're good at. But in Germany it's a huge difference, they put people who have success next to God and a week later when the same guy/girl/team screws up, they totally trash them or they're totally out of the picture.
Look at cycling for example, it wasn't so big till Jan Ullrich won the Tour de France. Now with some doping issues, they totally go beserk about cycling.
I dunno, it's just one of those sports that doesn't deserve that many attention imo, same as darts and shit like that.
Well, stretching and violating rules is part of doing sports on the top level. It's pretty naive to deny that until you get slapped with proof. But it doesn't really change the fact that there are champions with extraordinary talent/physics who can win in a clean way. Besides those, it doesn't change that all cycling pro's are working really hard, they deserve to be treated with more respect.
It also bothers me that atm cycling is getting trashed and in most other sports there would be just as much trash to dig up and nobody does anything about that. Look at the olympics for example. China won lots of medals and suddenly they can't find the blood/urine samples of the winning athletes. Still nobody really cares and/or does anything about it.
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