FedoraCore 10

I just wanted to let you guys know that I just installed Fedora Core 10 (Released in November) and it works like a charm, finally got rid off Sidux, using Gnome now instead of KDE. KDE is a pain in the ass, seriously. ;)
hehe I know you! D:
Idd, gnome is better than KDE!
I know you too! D:
What distro are you using?
I used debian & ubuntu :O
But deleted them coz of ati gfx card :<
me 2, ati drivers are pain in the but
xubuntu ftw
tried opensolaris, uses opensource ati drivers, looks mor like windoze than regular linux
Same mongol with those widgets on his desktop?
Yes it's him!
ubuntu rules the world
Not really :x
Is that true that Arch is faster than Ubuntu?
Probably is
Better base or?
Ubuntu has loads of apps/proc etc running up by default, arch is faster at booting/shutting down, probably smaller memory footprint and I guess loading apps
But I guess ubuntu is better for the newbies though {:
Ah, I see..
And debian rules ubuntu!
it drives me crazy:P u have like ubuntu fedora KDE gnome beryl or something wtf are they? i know its linux but is linux the overarching term or something? 0.o
Linux is the name of the Kernel, names like Fedora, Ubuntu, Sidux, etc. are Distributions, KDE and Gnome are Desktop Environments and Beryll, Compiz, etc are programs to customize your Desktop. ;)
xfce <3
why did you choose fedora? just of interest. :>
I was using Slackware before, for learing stuff about how Linux works it's good, but for home-use it's a pain in the ass. ;)
Plus: I wanted to try it. :)
KDE is fine, but only 3.5.x version, current KDE4 is crap.
I tried FC9 live cd with KDE4, performance was like on 386.
Personally I hope KDE4.2 or next versions of KDE will be optimized and we will experience a motto of KDE "Be Free" :).
The main reason why I'm not using KDE anymore is the performance reason, work half a year with KDE then half a year with XFce, you'll recognize the difference.
Ye true dat! KDE4 is still way too buggy.
Fedora is cool ;) @ FC user since version 4.
Well Im fanboy of redhat comp. and fedoras community :)
cool i use windows \o/
I feel so sorry for you. :D
But he propably gets pussy more than once in a 5 years so..
Wow, now that was a real dumb comment, congratulations.
I had to, i couldnt hold it
Ye, there is nothing funny about people with tourette.
How about you go and make some love to your kernels
So, who's the nerd now? I have a girlfriend, now please go and think again. Faggot, do you have nothing better to do than trolling on cf.nu and argue with people?
Haha, did i hit you on the soft spot? Malfunction on processor or what? I wouldnt call that anime-movie girl a girlfriend.

I aint faggot, and i get my hardon from bashing guys at crossfire. God i love this site.
No offense taken, you can't hit me anywhere since I don't care about random nolifers in the Internet who try to offense others, to make their own poor world look better. You are like almost 40 years old and still hang out in random Gaming Communities, seriously get a wife or friends, it's so obvious that you have noone to call a friend, since you put all your effords into Internet-argues. Have fun enjoying your senseless poor life, I'm more mature and will ignore any comment coming from you, good luck in your future. :)
Oh wow, you installed some new kernel shizzle and ubuntu and now your firing with the hard bombs eh? :D

Im perfectly happy with my life, i use windows and i aint geek

e. Man you even made a new account in a gaming portal to show your l33tness in computers :))) Whos the n3rd?
What the hell are you talking about?
I neither installed "some new kernel shizzle" nor did I made a new account to show my "l33tness" in computers, I got banned, please read and think again sherlock.
Oh wow, i think i need to stop before you go outside and hurt somebody :)
You should stop before you make yourself a total idiot tbh. ;)
Haha, that point is passed long ago in some eyes
Idd, you already made it.
Im using now Ubuntu 8.10 :D Works fine and fast :)
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