Monday sucks ='(

So I had two weeks of vacation and now I have to work an 8 hour workday :<
Went to sleep at 3.30 and woke up at 6.30 which wasn't that bad at first but now after a couple hours at my job I am almost falling asleep zZzZz...

Besides the fact that I have almost nothing to do, I can't be arsed to do the things I should do 8-D

Anyway monday sucks donkeyballs! How was your monday morning so far?

image: 6monday33
damn, I still have holidays going strong.
i slept till 11o'clock. last free day <3 :D
hihi *naughtyface*
im gna eat that naughty face right away monsieur :D
be my guest
Woke up, took a shower, packed my notebook n mouse (have code lesson in a hour), and now im checking crossfire because i only have bus in 20 mins :\
monday rox! i didnt sleep last night and am about to die right now. and the greatest thing is that school is over at 16:45 today x)
Epic 8-D
I was thinking about skipping a night as well yesterday, but I did that once and I fucked up so many things at work that day I decided to just catch a little bit of sleep ^^
was useless to sleep tbh :p durring the holidays I was going to sleep at 6am all the time and today I had to get up at 6:45, so ;p
Hagen-West style !
fehlt nur noch das du bei Rot über die Straße gehst ...
... und gegen nen mülleimer trete, aber hey, guck mich mal an! wer fasst mich schon an?!
you played every night ET ?
i slept till 7.30am. decided to ork at home. got my laptop from office and now im back. uuhm didnt start so far...
im gna help u with work and u'll help me with my uni-task oki!? :D
np! when will u arrive prolly? ;)
with all that snow... lets say 6hours :D
okay np maybe i finished then allrdy but np u are always welcome ;)
Working at home is most productive ;)
ya seems like im sitting here then till 10pm :p if i wont begin work now!
its fucking cold, it snowed and its the only day i have to go to college, gay day!
uhm went to sleep around 4:30, alarm went of at 8:30, had to be at school at 10:15, but I woke up at 11:15 so to bad no school today :D
almost but it looks more like felix :<
+ I dont smoke sorry :<
im at work too: ( woke up at 3:30 and couldnt go back to sleep:/

blegh ill just yawn this whole day i guess..
next monday will suck :c
at least your week doesn't start on sundays
frist day after they vacation and had an exame today at 8am :(
now finished but it's the hell!
I'm at work aswell

Have a lot to do..just don't feel like actually doing it ;(
drove to my berufsschule today morning, but than i realized that we still have holidays in NRW . Well normaly i had to go to our betrieb but took an krankenschein instead till thursday....yeeeaha

edit* i am enjoying the snow now...20 cm wooohha
went to sleep @ 2:00 couldn't sleep about awfull memories :( :( . @7:00 alarm went off, than grab laptop and stuff and go to school, waiting for 15 min for the bus, now im on school and the only thing im doing is gaming. so in a hour taking the bus to home and go sleep prolly

hf all ;)
We don't start school until 8th jan, will keep touching my balls brb.
Need pix of that pls!
Don't ask twice Harald!
You know I like it, Carlos :>
Went to sleep at 1am
Woke up 6am
Watched TV till 7am (top gear<3)
nerded on PC till 9.30am
Had shower and got ready
Went to dentist at 10am and got back at 10.10am
Made breakfast (sausage sandwhich with HP sauce <3)

Back to college on Wednesday :D
Wednesday school starts again QQ luckily 4h only then. I think im not going, holiday tastes like strawberries with ice cream so no school pls
Go to work for 2pm finish at 9pm seven hour workdays fly by
went to sleep @ 4 am (thx random tv programs which couldnt make me fall asleep!)
woke up @ 9
chilled till now, an now im preparing to go to university
back a bit earlier as 8pm

have a nice day
Thank god, school starts @ wednesday :p my sleeping rhythm is pretty fucked so im trying to fix it atm!, went to sleep last night 5am and woke up 9am, fucking tired atm -_-
Congrats waking up so early. I really can't do it when I have the day off. I only manage to wake up early after going to bed late when I have school/work or some other appointment and by then it is usually too late and the day is a real pain in the ass :DDD
well, usually i sleep like max 5hours, when its school weeks :P gotta wake up 6 am every morning :/
perfect day. Just chilling yesterday with no training at all, was sleeping around 11 :)

woke up @ 8 , take a fast walk for 1 hour, when home eat breakfast. Then of to the gym, come home shower and eat. Now i got many hours to do what i want, but 7 a clock out and run :>

then same thing for 5-6 days, then take a chill EAT day again =)
I'm at gran canaria till january 12th :D. So no worries yet for me :D

Just finished breakfast at a nice restaurant nearby, came home to our bungalow for some coffee and will proceed in walking to the poolbar to grab myself a cocktail soon to enjoy while sunbathing all day ! Ah, sweet life.

Enjoy your work though :D ;*
I envy you!
Not as much as I feel for you!
still on holiday <3
monday sux idd
Sup Gargie? How's life?
sucky atm, only working and beeing wasted. Now I finally have a somewhat decent lunch break again after having only 30 mins for the last two weeks. Looking foward to leave this fucking valley in may !
I don't have laboratories this week so my Monday is freeeee! Woke up @ 12.20 and am going to be lazy for the whole day \o/
good morning, i just got up. my sleeping schedule is like rly fucked atm... i go to sleep @like 4-5 am....
Dan heb je het nu alvast gehad, zal de rest van 2009 meevallen 8-DD
just woke up, preparing my 1 week skiing trip from tomorrow on
they should bann mondays
I woke up at 12:30 and it felt like 8:30.. everybody still sleeping.. wash some dishes done some laundry going to take a shower and find out what can I eat in this stupid country..

make weed legal in portugal pls...
woo mondays
well i were pretty stoned at sunday so i went to bed at 7pm and started monday with good feeling and rested :)
I just got up :D
Stop taunting me! 8-D
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