slow DVD burning problem

I got this LG hl-dt-st gsa h58n DVD burner for over a year, and it could burn 4.7 GB discs in under 10 mins without a problem. Anyways since today for some reason it takes over 50 mins, and i dont recall having changed anything (dont know even how to change it..). Also when i want to transfer stuff from dvds to my hdd (no matter if its external or not) its reaaaally slow. Google hasnt helped so im wondering if you could. Thx in advance. Oh and im using XP pro SP2
I dont know if it matters, but i realised a few seconds ago that when i push a dvd into the burner, windows reads it as a cd :/
image: knokploeg

greek cd's ! :D
I get this shizzle when i click ok do i need to restart + will it ever change? (it says its in pio mode currently @ device 1)

image: rcvbt2

ahem dont mind the World of warcraft
not rly but Toribash does! \o/
Reboot and look again als dit niet werkt zoek ff in de bios naar udma je kan ook proberen je chipset drivers opnieuw te installeren
i had the same problem, when drive couldnt read dvds/cds, i couldnt do anything i just bought new drive and everything is working fine!
image: image_hura1
i know i can buy one for 10 euros, but this dvd brought me so many happy memories and such :'( meh
Replace lens ?
Check if new firmware might help ?
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