happy unban day tapsa again :_)

I'm right here at the hoodz again after 1week ban :_)
was a long and tough week, my pocals were stolen several times and when I kindly and politely informed about the horrifying pocal-thefts, I got taavid2a, POCALSS and aspat banned forever :( that's very sad.

but now I'm a different man. I'll be just nice and not get banned anymoore. I'm not going to even take warning points :'). I'm a great lad.

I want to greet you all crossfire users with respectful and humble attitude. HELLO! :)

to write something else:

tell me some good new (or old xD) movies that I should d0wNLo4D5s beacouse I've never been a "movie shark" but now that I've watched through like 3 times my patheticly small movie folder which included pretty much only old classics, I was thinking about getting some new stuff to watch. Actually, good series are welcome too.

bibuy :))) Be nice n' stuff - that's what I'm going to do also! <3

random pic:

image: 23732_tapsajokerpocal

It's not rly random pic. It's me & my pocals befoure it got stolen >:S
to much to read :(
OMG! that's zub-zero but who is that who got owned? I'm not sure. Hopefully not Liu Kang, I always used to play as him ;S
huh, nice :') I thought it could've been Liu Kang beacouse of the black pants and red belt even though I don't remember him wearing shorts LOL
l0ld @ pic
this was my favourite :_) :

image: fatality1

and this was cool too:

image: fatality2
kid+gay, ban
en käyttäis aikaa turhaan piirrettyjen kattelemisee homo :D:d.
I got unbanned today too :O
stop whining I had a two month ban :(

and razzah is still banned so 2.5 months now!
stop whining i was banned for 5 months
ye but youre special :(
welcome back!
Welcome back :p
Welcome back idd
nice that you finally grew up after all these years :)
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