hosting a server for testmap

with etpro: BG_IndexForString: unknown token 'NOT': (animations/scripts/human_base.script, line 3351)

with etmain: dno,dont have it

QuoteFrom Sauron|EFG

If you host a game you also need qagame_mp_x86.dll/so, and that isn't included in the PK3 you auto-download.

got qagame_mp_x86.dl in etpro folder still giving this error : BG_IndexForString: unknown token 'NOT': (animations/scripts/human_base.script, line 3351)

whats wrong?
had always same problem, if you need server for testing map pmme me on irc
map is goldendunk_a2 .dunno if you have it.

if so, ill pm you tomorrow, nn.
did u try put it also into etmain? and did u try download another one? :o
lol que?
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