Linux Problem(s)

when I want to start ET in a new XServer it doesn't show a console anymore when I do
Quotexinit -- :1

And with
Quotexinit <Any Program here> -- :1

it doesn't work neither. :( Need to start a whole XServer with gnome and stuff to paly. :(

2nd Problem:

When I play ET it won't show up the Chatwindow where you type your text in. :o
Binding it on another key doesn't work neither, nor does typing "messagemode" into the console.

Any hints/suggestions?

Distro: Fedora
ask meez
Instead of xinit, use
sudo X:1 & sleep 5 && DISPLAY=:1 xterm

and start ET within the xterm.

OR, you can use the awesome script i made for doing just this:


XSERVER="sudo X -ac -terminate -config xorg.conf.gaming :1"

exec $XSERVER &
sleep 2
xterm &
nvidia-settings -l
sleep 1
exec $ETCMD $ARGS &
sleep 2

You might want to skip "nvidia-settings -l", it's something i have to do on my computer to get 75hz on my LCD.
And before you ask, the xterm is necessary because if you do a /vid_restart ET, which without the xterm is the only client to that xserver disconnects and causes the xserver to die, and everything fucks up.

"xorg.conf.gaming", you can exchange it for any custom xorg.conf you have in your /etc/X11/. Mine is just the normal one, with composite disabled.

For some strange reason I have to move the mouse for stuff like that to happen, but only when I'm playing in a seperate X server.. :S

And you, sir, now owe me a wall of text!
1. why a second x server? If you are doing it just to be able to minimize the game, try etswitch.
2. dunno
Many reasons. First of all, etswitch doesn't work for all. Second, you can optimize a second xserver for gaming (e.g. disable the composite extension). And it's more convenient.
etswitch works fine for me \o/
no werk for me :<
I've not palyed ET since like before christmas anyway, so no need to use it :F
For me it was working a bit weird when my game resolution != et resolutuin, something like seeing a desktop on the edges : <

Got used to alt+enter though.
i am back at my flat nao, so i can palypaly again!
But i got pwnzord by the flu, so i noob'd :(
cant figure out the mouse thingy with in_mousedga or what the command was... if i use etswitch, the mouse freezes when switched to gnome. the "omit *cantremember* option in the xorg.conf doesnt work too :<

any ideas?
What are you using? in_dgamouse 0 or 1?
I had problems with 0 in my config but when I changed it to 1 then vid_restart it worked fine. Didn't need to update xorg then.
And you say disabling Xfree86-DGA doesn't work? Did etswitch install without errors?
It compiled without an error...
Havent tested it in a while, cant remember exactly what I did ingame D:
And as I'm at work atm, I cant test it now. IIRC if I used in_dgamouse 1, the mouse got kind of "not sensitive". The Hz/DPI (which one is the right here? :o) were pretty wierd, but well, I write another comment at evening, when I come home.
Ty anyway <3
get vista
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