nkNn Crook busted.. not or maybe?

Hi guys,

So I was just playing on cybergames and I noticed someone on my team (with the nick Communic) who was botting, someone from the opposite team also felt that this guy was cheating and said something like: "just because you are banned from competitions doesnt mean you have to act like a retard on pubs". When he said his real nick is crook and plays for the med/high skill 3on3 clan, all pieces fell in its place .

I knew crook was a cheater from specing him before, also on pubs, and later in competition matches. And it seems that he is using a humanized bot, but puts it on very stealthy settings during clan matches making his aim look average (sometimes increasing the bot acc for some nice hs), hence why he went unnoticed so far.

Its ironic that until recently while people were in an anti-cheater carnage and even tried to bust players like naga wiaderko wiesiek and many others with fail avi's, they failed to bust the real obvious players like Crook where just a view simple avi;s of his "pub performance" would be enough imo to see the clear humanized he is using. Whats even more ironic is that this cheater has fragmovies of himself :XD (which are pretty nice as i have seen them myself).

Just wondering what your opinions on this guy are.

Remember, a cheat-free society is a healthy society.
Well he is shit, why would someone want to bust him
your becoming a mean bastard
:'d playing with 45 fps and getting over all more damage acc + hs then most of the players around here.
Yes, crossfire is full of highskilled players so it is kinda hard to be better than most of the players here
Yea then i also include that "highskileld" ppl that you are talking about.
Says you? :-D
For a swedish guy, you are very smart noticing that!
k mr lanproven!
I am alot of things, but im not "shit".
The only reason u would say that is because either u have a huge ego or im good enough to annoy you.
demo? so we can ban?
and what are you gonna do when i come for you?
bad boys, bad boys. :D
what you gonna do?
what you gonna do?
his mum? :O
go back to work mr
blah blah pls. :<
kinda boring here atm.
so WORK something?
phone is surprisingly quiet today. and the random büro stuff is already done :s
Can't tell how he played on that pub but I do know you start whining as soon as someone kills you with more than one headshot :)
Lol i triple hs anyone, even butchji.. i even have pwned cheaters like Hunta in 1on1, so if i whined it was just 4 fun :D
ET isn't 1on1 game did you know that?!!
i prefer duels over rape camp on unsuspecting militants
I prefer killing people from a >50 meters distance.
thats nice too :) baserace <3
Baserace was always fun 'back in the days'. 10 vs 10 or more with ventrilo, not those emo pubs =(
i dont mind 1on1 baserace =D, but they egoquit so often ;<
That baserace cup was awesome back then :p
So on ET when playing 1on1 it isn't camping?
cb/esl rules 1on1 yes.. which gets boring -.-
Quotei prefer duels over rape camp on unsuspecting militants

yes 1v1 isnt campy at all!
ofc it is, but it gets fun when both players know where eachother is and they unleish their aim fury, and see who preveils. thats what i love most in ET, which is also in clanmathces but to a lesser extent, a lot of this kills there is just for example:squall at gold bank entrance fragging 4 players who are jumping fomr stairs.. do you understand me now?
selfbust :O
you should go to see a doctor, you feel like you have banged your head against a brick wall.
plz its brumu aka the king of cybergames. the guy must have been botting
Dochters - Marco Borsato.mp3
Lol, he just has pretty good aim. Give it up already.
yes i know he has many supporters which like to call him a god :) nKnn LOazis is one of them
Gtfo brumu, you just keep talking out of your ass. He isn't god, he's just a nice guy who I've played with for a pretty long time and I can tell you I have no reason at all to suspect him of anything.

Btw, you asked me once to play a 3o3 with you and some random 3rd, who turned out to be the biggest aimbotter ever and you knew it but kept playing with him. So stop the dumbass witchhunting and play some more valhalla.
"but he is nice on vent" :D
:DD this is a very important excuse.
well you called him a god :>
Let me guess, that big aimbotter was called 'loazis'?
Yeah, the famous player who raped a!m gaming all the time!
He is just an A-class pubstar. :>
it was cyber,what u expect? :D
''remember, a cheat free society is a healthy society''

elaborate on how a cheat free society makes it more healthy than if cheaters are around ?

and we evolved from a community to a society now. well... thats just really nice to hear
spho is on a roll today :XD
who the fuck is he? :(
its you i heard
plz, like anyone would ever say i have good aim :XD
so u made an avi?
poor you now, getting owned by crook... go be sad panda
Sounds like someone got owned on public, and is a little upset. Please don't dring your shit here unless you have atleast a decent avi.
he was on my team, hence i noticed he was using humanized
Avi or its his word against yours. Have you got a demo if not its too late he now knows your onto him.
I have autorecord on, but i dont know how to make avi's and i have a life so i didnt bother to collect material on him and make an avi etc. I just wanted to see what people think, and I hope to see him banned by someone who sees it as his passion to bust cheaters.
But now you have told the whole of Crossfire, if he is cheating hes going to make sure hes careful in the future as you have warned him. Send your demos to killerboy or something don't post on here when you don't have hard evidence to hand.
He cant be more careful then he already is in competition matches, but even so a trained eye can spot the bot when specing him. I am just happy to have given him some attention and hopefully people will associate his nick with this accusation and be more aware in the future. I have a life.
send the demo to killerboy, he can watch it with wolfcam.
<@phan|AL1> "youre a fucking idiot brumu i hope you get raped by convicts you fucking moron. just my 2 cents :)"
coming from someone who is banned for playing with cheaters . just my 1 cent
<@phan|AL1> coming from a lowskilled player... you have no right to adress me :)
i bet a hundred flowers that i pwn you in a 1on1 noob
i seriously doubt he's cheating
anyways, demo pls or gtfo with wrong accusations :)
remember, a retard free society is a healthy society!
Oh my, you got pwnd.
enough proofs, ban!
idd, fucking ban him already!
wheres k1ll3rjesus?!?! The community is in shambles without him.
hahaha ; )
boring stuff
your comment on the other hand is very exciting
"So I wast just playing on cybergames..."

i dont think he is botting
you thought wiesieks radar avi was suspicious -.-
how it relates to this?
your cheat judgment skills :XD
yea and saying suspicious means what? suspicious right.. its not right or wrong because it doesnt say yes / no. If i had said wiesiek radar avi was obvious wud u be happy?

so useless crying from you tbh
nope : but the fact you called that specific moment suspicious ! does tell something :) capiche?
what does it tell? And it was not about specific.. just random avi from a suspicious player kind of expected that you get "suspicious" comments of avis of him right?
well it wasnt suspicious at all if you just thought logically and also if you would have observed correctly: those two features: thinking and observing are very important to be a skilled cheatbuster :D
thats your opinion, my opinion is that it was suspicious. how can u say what is suspicious well you are just a noname!!1111
you are entitled to your opinion sir, however that does not mean i cannot criticize it :D, and 1on1 i beat you :)
And here we go again, you start talking about 1on1 :DD
it shows who is the better player face to face. im sure you would enjoy owning maus in a 1on1 :) people would say: Squall owns maus yooohoo :D
Doesn't show anything. duels on 6on6 are far more different than some random 1on1.

And the reason I don't play 1on1 cos its just fucking boring
do you ever walk up to a corner knowing that someone is most probably there camping on you? do you ever prepare mentally for making the right aim/strafe movement when he appears from there? take these and other type of 1on1 situations and multiply them by 100 and continuesly plus spwantime of 0.. and you have a fun 1on1
prepare mentally?

lol freaking nerd it's just a game.
everybody prepares mentally, some just are better at it
you cant know since you ve never tried! :D

If I say Ill beat you with pistol with my eyes closed what u say?
id say i did that too sometimes :D, because its not your eyes aiming its your brain, its all pattern prediction, its good to be a jedi
yeah you are so smart, you know every thing, you are the best, u can think very logically... stfu wanker!
why does this trouble you? the fact i know everything shouldnt pose a threat to you, or should it?
dont like people to show off,, especially not on the e-net...
yes you already expressed that in your initial comment, but..
its a polak :DD
It doesn't tbh, because everyone has suspicious moments. Also chmpp might have different explanation of the meaning suspicious then you have.
Cupper on 07/01/09, 14:26:42 PM | Reply

Remember, a brumu-free society is a healthy society.

listen to the man !
Cupper on 07/01/09, 14:26:42 PM | Reply

Remember, a brumu-free society is a healthy society.

listen to the man !
Crook's clean, l2p
Only one guy from nkNn cheats, and that is Witje.
Quote by sAntj on 07/01/09, 14:07:17 PM | Replydemo? so we can ban?
we need skilled cheatbusters/admins first of all
*nfp crook
Atleast good for his ego, 2 know he even owns with 45 fps :D
? i use com_maxfps 43. if it remains stable it looks smooth.
Yea cool m8, hes warping all over the place and gets sometime over 200 ping. Now the ????
now the what?
You used the fucking ? smart ass
i used the ?
Are you blind "? i use com_maxfps 43. if it remains stable it looks smooth."
Says the guy who made this topic
i care bout cheaters
D::: This comment also says enough
yes it says i care about cheaters? any problem with that? if yes i dont care :)
pls i own crook with 3 fingers in my hand with 3 toes in the air fucking naabs
and one dildo in your but?
brumu retard be quiet
nice proof fucking moron kid of 11 who trys to ban a non cheater for playing suspicious in a pub and even dont have any demos or something fucking fag get attention in rl
fucky fucky
u wont let go, will you? :/
lold if you wouldnt have polluted my pub today i wouldnt have written this. so just stay away from me if it bothers you :)
i already told u i dont hack so you will never bust me. U might aswell give up now :/
If i really wanted to bust you i would do different things, including educating myself and admins/cheatbusters how bots work and how they look like. Then i would be totally certain that making avi's of you would have sense. But i just felt llike making a nice journal and at the same time i contributed a bit to the community by raising awareness of a filthy cheater like you ;;XD
doesnt it strike u as odd for a "cheater" that the people who know me defend me by saying im just a nice guy and a decent player? But i see its useless to discuss with you :P

You can reconnect now btw, i closed down ET
no one agrees with you.

stfu & gtfo.
haha luckily i am a guy who doesnt really care bout agreements and such ;) and its mostly people with the thinking capability similar to you who dont agree
Just seen this thread, fucking epic :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
shut your fucking face :C
rofl you are whining on crook now, wait till he has 125 fps and normal ping.. he is playing with an average fps of 20 and average ping of 150. when i played with him and he had 125 fps and normal ping, HE FCKING OWNED MAUS OMG MAUS
from zero to hero!
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nkNn strikes again hihihi
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