good morning folks!

its 5.40 pm and i just woke up... this is fucked up as ive got school again tomorrow, bibuy holidays :(

should i try to sleep or just make it through the night and go to school in the morning? :D

image: avatar_1
it feels shit, doesn't it? your whole day is ruined :(
i still feel tired lol.. ^^
Stay up 'till 3-4am, then try to sleep.
Somebody hit the lights
So we can rock it day and night
People gettin' down that's right
From AM to PM
fucking lazy cunt
hey i even set up the alarm clock at 12.. it didnt work :<
like me all holidays wake up around 2 pm and when school come next day i went to bed 1 am a fell asleep about 4 am and woke up at 6 am

Good Morning
I have examens and i have to walk 40minutes with -13° every morning.. so pls don't whine ;<
Public transport doesn't exist in Greece?
its only for the rich in greeze :P
20minutes to go from my house to the station. Taking two trains then, 20 minutes to go from the station to the school... And btw, i'm living in Belgium :P
That's why some people use a 'bycicle"
It would take the same time...
20 minutes walking or 5 minutes with your bycicle? hmz. Yeah! That's the same.
You don't actually know my town and which way i have to use to go to the station. You know what stairs are ?
Yes, but you don't know what public transport is. It's so much easier. I go also by bus to the station, and then take another bus at the station. Hmz. I just use my bycicle for 2 minutes, and I'm in school (25km from our village)
Again, you know nothing about my town and where I exactly live in it. I spend the same time walking to the bus stop and taking the bus to the station than walking directly to the station. So I have the choice in paying or not my trip.
I do know what public transport is as I take train and bus everyday...
too funny :D
I haven't a good situation to earn time easily ;'(
Neither have I. I have to leave 1.30h before my first lesson starts.
like i do :D for the morning mostly. Otherwise it's 2 hour ;'( Because i have to wait 40 minutes between my both trains =(
Normally I have a good connection between my buses. But when I miss one bus, I miss the other busses. And then I've to wait for more than an hour.
I know that :< i know :'(
like my dad always says: if u're a fucker enough to drink all night and come back late then be a fucker and get up at 8:00 am and work something.
try to sleep
Malibus most wanted ?
ryl nice movie !
well if your so lazy i think you wont have any problems with sleeping again
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