saw v (spoilers)

the ending made it go from average to pretty cool for me. like in every saw there are certain stupid things.

like pretty much all the traps set up for those 5 people. at the first trap the first guy could just break all the boxes and toss everyone their keys and save lots of time. or the second trap where there were clearly enough room for like 3 people to fit into one hole (altho i think the shockwave would've killed them all anyways). the third trap just furthers the believe that americans dont know shit about electricity (apart from that it hurts). the last trap was also stupid. they could easily use the water by just opening the latch with their hand and then pour the water in. also the guy was an idiot to cut so deeply into his forearm. he could just do it until the wrist and let the body pump the blood out, and he wouldnt have to worry about bleeding out afterward.

the pendulum trap was nice, and the last one with the walls was great. i expected more of those frustrating ones where one has to cut something out of himself (like that key in the eye, or the guy with the number at the back of his head in 2).

i like the concept but realization of the what are supposed to be smart and tricky parts should be better.
omg omg omg it wouldn't be fun if victims were smart would it?
are you macgyver?
idiot, instead of looking at the traps, listen to the fucking manuscript, fucking fool D:
maybe thats why there are so many "it didnt say i shouldnt eat the plastic potato chip bag on it" legal battles in usa
i dont get that one :DD
a guy ate a potato chip bag, got sick, sued the company that sells it, won, and now there are warnings on the bags that you shouldnt eat it
you do realize that there are people who just play the part to get money, it's not always just straight ignorance as much as it is a way to scam the system
yeh except in europe the judge would tell you to stop being such a fucking moron eating plastic bags
yes, but the fact that the system they agree that it's a potential risk in the future kind of says enough tbh
It prolly looks that way to most europeans. A yankee buys a ladder and falls with it when putting it on ice. Manufacturer gets sued for not warning the ladder cant be used on ice :)))

But the system has its advantages too, more specific towards Big Tobacco or Health Companies. The system fixes itself way faster compared to slugish europe where issues take ages before they get tackled.
only enjoyed the first one, from what I can remember the rest just became too much bout gore than the story itself.
Must agree - first one was the best of them all - watched it with eyes wide open until the end. All next ones - just waiting for "yet another trap & shizzle" with no reaction at all ...
Quotealso the guy was an idiot to cut so deeply into his forearm.

Things such as this would never be possible. Nobody could handle it without passing out.
Ok, it's a movie.
I have not seen the movie, but desperate situations require desperate measures!

QuoteIn May 2003, a 27-year-old man from Colorado used a pocket knife to amputate his own arm below the elbow in a desperate bid to free himself after being trapped for five days under an 360-kilogram boulder in a national park in Utah.
This 1 isnt that bad imo :O) But the first saw was the best now you can easliy spoil the things that are going to happen :)
The plot was easily predictable after the guy insisted them to work together. But yea it was a pretty good movie.
i liked the part where the guy got his middle cut open by zeh axe!!
pretty cool yea
it sucked more than the other movies.

its the worst so far.
i thought the movie was absurdly bad tbh. horrendous;<
if i just want to see gore i'll just stare at a picture of loekino's face tbh :P this cant even be called a movie it was just gore scenes with a few silly attempts for a story in between
and yet again, i have to agree.
this is like letting frodo find another ring
frodo never found a ring you silly man, he inherited it :P
well i wanted to say bilbo or gollum, but i thought frodo was kinda epic :D
and the ring is a fucking condom!
no need for condoms, they didnt have STDs back in lotr times
just first the rest sux
to long to read
never enjoyed any saw movie, its full a shit. they talk like fucking 99% of the time and the characters are all mongols
I havnt even seen saw 1
watched it like 2months ago ?
Maybe you want to lock him into that box forever? Atleast thats what i thought was gonna happen lol.
In the first movies the victims hurt themselves. In Saw V they'll die anyways. Its stupid
Doe is lief lul
its a good movie
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