Punkbuster fails again..

Server disconnected - Punkbuster kicked player '<name>' (for 0 minutes)... RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe initialization failed.

How to fix this stupid problem of Punkbuster? I have already run pbweb.exe.
Before people asking like: Remove your/Don't use cheats!
I don't/haven't used them and never will!

Perhaps, Need for speed Undercover has something to do with it? (I have installed NFS Undercover yesterday, but I crashes everytime in the intro so I already unstalled that one..)

(For the fags, flame/hate on!)

and buy nfs , ripgames are crap.
Check that ur firewall is not blocking pnkBstrB.exe
EDIT: Sometimes it happens (outta no fucing reason) that after update of antivirus or firewall software the settings of em get fucked up n block few of programs.
Atleast thats my experiance...i use Zonealarm firewall n avg antivirus
i usually get kicked after nod32 update, pnks.a/b are both allowed on windows firewall .

how you fix it?
I've put pnkbstr on allowed list on both programs. And im updating them only once a month manualy so that all the settings are as i set them.
download pbsvc.exe from www.evenbalance.com and run it.
pbweb hasn't worked for.. ages.

go to the evenbalance website and get the latest version of pbsetp http://evenbalance.com/index.php?page=dl-et.php

might be worth reinstalling the pbservices too http://www.evenbalance.com/downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe
Punkbuster didn't fail, you failed
Remove your/Don't use cheats!
use search button
1:0 pb vs synthic

Fuck ET, PB made it the most unsmooth piece of trash game ever.
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