9 Jan 2009, 15:02
Hello everyone. I'm back from university after a fucking hard exam and i have some news that no one care about <o/.
Yesterday, Portuguese television said that it was going to be the most cold day of the year.. It wasn't. But today is the most cold day of my life. I never saw snow till today. Around 1 /1.5ºc at my university (that's what the car thermometer said). 0.5 ºc at a city 7km away from my house. Dunno about my house. Its fucking amazing, first time i touch snow yeah!
It was my best moment of the day... now i have to study for 2 exams (tomorrow morning) and im sick (thanks McDonald's shit meals).
Sorry about english mistakes.
ps: there isnt snow at my city since 23 years. I'm 20 :X
Yesterday, Portuguese television said that it was going to be the most cold day of the year.. It wasn't. But today is the most cold day of my life. I never saw snow till today. Around 1 /1.5ºc at my university (that's what the car thermometer said). 0.5 ºc at a city 7km away from my house. Dunno about my house. Its fucking amazing, first time i touch snow yeah!
It was my best moment of the day... now i have to study for 2 exams (tomorrow morning) and im sick (thanks McDonald's shit meals).
Sorry about english mistakes.
ps: there isnt snow at my city since 23 years. I'm 20 :X
gl with your exams :)
my hand were so hot that you melted down :D you were rly wet xDD
must have also been a while now..
look in the bottom corners
and gratz for touching snow ;D i would kill for some positive degrees over here :D
aber hier ists einfach nur kalt, ohne schnee :/
go make mini snowman now !
There's still quite an amount of snow here, even though it's rained for two days straight now. :( Hopefully it will go below 0 again, and snow like mad \o/
im getting sick of the snow here.. i keep falling of my bike !:<
WTF is gonna happen in 10 years.. no snow at all
and gl with your exams mate :P
nah I love it, skiing rox!
nice house btw
everyday thing here..
1day sun = water
water = dirty/wet jeans+sneakers
2nd day snow, again sun = water = dirty/wet jeans+sneakers
so fucking annoying rawr hate winter, summer plx
He'll pimp your sapogi
snow = cool
made my day
must be quite nice there in the summer :p
this is snow:
my uni
fuck about snow ! i prefer sun =(
not a big deal for me anymore :(
-15 and snow
nice house btw!
Don't eat the yellow snow!
boa sorte para os exames
vai mase estudar, para te correr melhor o proximo
and polar bears on the streets
E: lol wat snow is that
my car last week..