Rafa Gunnnnnns Ferguson

Benitez should send Stevie G around to sort Fergie out, just make sure he's had a few "bevvies" first. Fergie must be pissin himself laughing at this, I mean come on going to a press conference with a LIST of complaints?! As far as I can tell Fergie complained about the United games after the Champions League and nothing more. As for complaining at referees, it is a bit rich coming from the filthy Scouse lot and more of a piss take coming from Chelsea fans...... Terry the most respectful of England Captains. Benitez should grow a pair or sod off to Madrid.
Benitez is too good for both of the Madrid teams :

I've seen Ferguson blame the refs on numerous occasions. Last time Rafa complained about the Ref was against Chelsea last season when he gave away a penalty to Chelsea (when it shouldn't have been a penalty) and I've actually lost count of how many times Ferguson's complained about the Refs since then.
youtube link? :D
all noobs in england so
rafa benito is a shit
is he nigger?
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