Origin of Aids

If your interested in this kinda stuff you may wanna watch this

no flame crap pls tuvm




just for the minority, it's about how AIDs is obviously a manmade virus.
whats the opposite of flame
water? :< sorry i don't even know my own name atm
that means you want water?

i want happy talkative comments :D ish... pls...ifnt 2 much troublessss
1. Alex Jones is an idiot.
2. Did you just find out today that the HIV virus is manmade?
did i eck.

Alex jones accent is very annoying, sounds like his jaw hasn't been fitted right :D
its HI-Virus :d
"ok", and next vid will state that we were never on the moon.
read some articles on the topic before you reply with an ignorant "ok"
I actually listened to 2 minutes of the vid and if you think a little bit yourself there can be no more said than "ok". The report is just plain stupid and ignorant itself.
Quoteread some articles on the topic before you reply

QuoteI actually listened to 2 minutes of the vid

Clearly you pay much attention to things before making up your mind.

I already stated that Alex Jones is a moron who thinks way too much into things, but that doesn't mean he is entirely wrong. Like I said. READ some articles that have been published by medical specialists and virologists on this topic before just waving it off with an ignorant "ok" based on 2 minutes of an Alex Jones vid.
The content of the journal is the video and that is just bullshit from a sick conspiracy brain.
What do you want now?
Nothing. You clearly have trouble interpreting what I'm saying and keep referring back to a moron in a video that thinks too much into things.

Stick to your "ok" and nevermind what I wrote. Ignorance is bliss.
I keep reffering back to the journal and it´s content you are right sir. Maybe you should read the journal body again. There are no more articles or whatever in here, he says if I´m interested in this stuff I should watch this. I did (at least I tried) and decided to post "ok" based on this video. This discussion is so old as AIDS itself and there are clues for every side and statement (manmade/not) but this video which my "ok" is related to is just bs from a moron as you said yourself. Actually you are defending the moron which is kind of ambivalent.

Whatever, I want to see happy people:
I´m really sorry and I will think twice and tripple in the future and I will read scientific pamphlets on every journal-topic in the future before posting "ok". Thank you for opening my mind and good night.
this seems quite unlikely. a virus that is race specific? tht sounds insane to me because there is no biologic way that a virus can be more viable when encountering "blacks". honestly, being a biology specialist, this claim sounds very stupid to me. All races are genetically similar, there is no way that a certian race is more susceptable to a virus than any other race. If this was a genetic disease, then its a different case.

It also sounds retarded that a virus that the government created many years ago is still uncurable to this day, given the major advances in medical technology since that time, independent scientists should have already found a solution. This is just common sense.

Secondly, the only reason that black individuals have a higher rate of AIDS is because its a poor continent and it lacks the health structure to tackle AIDS.

This sounds like a major scam. Keep a note on how many times the author and the radio host ask to buy the book (i think its a book but i didn't bother to look into). Please dont believe any of this, every minute i listen it sounds just more retarded.
Alex Jones is a moron who thinks way too much into things, but that doesn't mean he is entirely wrong.
which parts of the idea do you think are feasible?
btw, sorry but i didn't keep track of the names, is alex jones the host or the guest?
also, do have links to articles from scientists that have come out to support this theory or anything resembling it?
Not gonna mention anything about the conspiracy theories but to say that a virus can't be race specific is absurd. All a virus needs would be a unique antigen present only in one race more than any other in order to have a much profound impact. A virus could be blood type dependent why can't it be race dependent?
you would have to give me a known example, because so far i know of none. i would agree tht there are going to be statistically significant differences between races in regards to levels of certain molecules, but i have not yet heard of a molecule that is only present in individuals of one race and not present in individuals of any other race.
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