Recommendable (Costum) Maps?
10 Jan 2009, 19:02
He guys and lads,
after seeing some posts here on CF about reviving ET a lil bit and remembering the good old days when i have started playing ET on lovely pubs (where did they go? :x), me and some mates thought about setting up an etpro server (with objectiv and campaign ofc!) with maps which havnt been that famous in competition over the last years. We thought about maps who had the claim to be played in competition, but never got a real chance, like:
-v2_base (i loved that map on pubs <3 greetz krypi :D)
So any maps out there which are recommendable (good balance between the teams etc.)?
Greetz madi and his famous crew xD
after seeing some posts here on CF about reviving ET a lil bit and remembering the good old days when i have started playing ET on lovely pubs (where did they go? :x), me and some mates thought about setting up an etpro server (with objectiv and campaign ofc!) with maps which havnt been that famous in competition over the last years. We thought about maps who had the claim to be played in competition, but never got a real chance, like:
-v2_base (i loved that map on pubs <3 greetz krypi :D)
So any maps out there which are recommendable (good balance between the teams etc.)?
Greetz madi and his famous crew xD
transmitter is fucking awfull btw
and the worst thing, all this lil progamers, camping on maps like supply and b4 cause they are playing them 24/7
= absolute win
map author still has the .map files available apparently
your point?
good effort man!
but make it jaymod, it rocks on public!
but , we want a 10map camp after that we start it^^
edit lol fail
Just revive the [*EU*] public server :/
btw who is ur second forward in the football national team? mutu and?
sos secretweapon
the map 'Castle' from rtcw would be awesome to !
No Dubvronik / Crevasse / Transmitter PLZ !