Cheap Laptops

Every year i usually go snowboarding : 1week with friends , 1 week with the parents ( becuz it's freeeeeeeeeeeeee))
Now i busted my knee a couple of weeks ago and can't go snowboarding with the frieeenddss :(
now i have about 600€ ( NOT MORE ) to spend on a laptop but since i don't know shit about laptops i'm asking YOU.

What brands to avoid ? ( i heard alot of bad things about Pavillion ?)

Where to buy ?

What models to buy ?

It is mainly intended for school , but should be able to run games like cod4 ( if possible )

17' screen -ones pls
ok ok blablabla history blablabla

btw why do u go on vacacion if you can't do anything there -.-
stay at home and play on ur pc lil addict -.-
Mac Book <3
I bought a mac book today!
i said i'm not going cuz i can't do anything with my knee , parents-trip is still 3 months away so np there

or do you mean why go on a snowboardingtrip at all and stay home to play games ?
there is nothing like smoking a joint with friends after doing a nice deep-snow adventure
I have a HP
don't buy
absolutely don't
i have a HP aswell ( where im on now )
i liked it but its prty shit actually :D
got a mac book today
there was already a fault on my model when i bought it (pavilion dv6000), the mobo was broken so wlan switch didn't go off/on when I pressed it :D it first worked pretty well, but after some time it was went on after 5 reboots and 15 trys on each boot. -.- then I sent it to somewhere and I they changed the mobo.. now the switch doesn't work at all :DD so I hooked this piece of shit with a wire. Also I encountered some problems with my display going off/on by itself..

what a piece of shit rly :D
you did well, mac = win when searching a nongaming laptop.
I have a Pavilion DV serie

never had problems with it
buy a toshiba or dell..where ? media word ? :D
HP Pavilion dv2000 and dv6000 are problematic series. What axi0m described is a typical fault of the series. Try to avoid at all costs...

I don't really know what you can get for €600 in BEL but safe buys are Dell Studio 15 (with Radeon graphics, if you want to game) and XPS M1530 (more expensive, with better graphics).
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