Random Freezes

well i got this problem for a while now and its getting quite frustrating.

i have these random freezes, then im just doing stuff like browsing inet or w/e. and then just suddenly my screen is frozen, pc is doing nothing anymore and i have to press reset.

i have no idea how why this happens. i formatted 3 times already, updated gfx drivers, stuff like that, but it doesnt seem to help

so i hope anyone of you know what this causes and how i can fix it


p.s. specs in profile tho my screen is now some LG 22"
no, temperature of my pc is fine
Which temperatures have you checked?
just touching my case tbh :p
That's not really valid. :P
well if i did that with my old pc (wich overheated all the time) it was rly hot, and here is not any difference :p
You won't notice an overheated cpu with your hands. :P
power supply fried
got like 500(+)Watt, not sure how much
must be a conflict with the OS or the hardware.

Try dl'ing linux or smth.

Maybe your harddisk is fucked up? maybe a virus in the boot sectors or smth?
dont think its a virus, since ive formatted 3 times already
oh true :D

probably what kiewan said
thinking the same as m1ke , sounds like your ram try putting up the volts on your ram in bios.
same thing happend to me before after i done a cmos reset i forgot to put my ram volts to the right setting and every now and again the pc would randomly freeze and id have to press reset. After i set the ram volts to the right setting all was fine again.
how can i check what it is atm & were and to what i have to change it
too much CF refreshing if you ask me.
download speed fan / everest and post temps
were to dl everest? i got speed fan now
everest is if speedfan doesnt show gpu

isnt that a bit much cpu usage? :c im just having ET open and i have a 3.0Ghz Dual

p.s. img tags arent working for some reason
yes it is much cpu usage, lol whats ur cpu model?
i get 30% with ff using 200,000kb, xfire, IE, msn, some few programs with ~30,000kb
AMD Athlon Dual Core 6000+ 3.0Ghz, no idea what the exact name was
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