Car Crash

Heyyyyyyyyyy just felt like sharing this with this beautiful community..

Recentrly i was in a car crash with a friend heres how it happend..

we were driving in a very bad blizzard at like 8 PM, we were going to this girls house, i guess he was going a little bit faster than he should be, so when he took a turn we slipped! :O , and there was a giant truck right in front of us, we spun so much, it all happend in such slow motion, the truck hit the back left side of the car we kept driving cuz we sere scared and didnt know what to do in that kind of a situation (stupid idea i know) , then next thing we know there were cops all around us, they stopped us took my friend out of the car and arrested him =[ he was driving with his permit =[, i didnt get arrested because i told the "truth", now we have to go to court =[

who told you to read it, FUCK HEAD
like i said to the other jew, why did you read it when you DONT CARE
my journal, you gtfo
yea right
need some type of owned pic!
you shouldn't have stepped in the car in the first place if you knew he didn't had his full licence yet ;)
if something can go wrong, it will!
thats what my parents said, hes been driving without it for like 4 months xd
isnt it without a permit? or am i totally mistaken ^^
no, he only had a permit on him
Cool story bro
how much damage on the car and the truck?
the back left side of the car was just... GONE lol
cant believe you can get a licence when your 16. Most 16 year olds around here cant drive a moped properly. Must be alot of accidents or maybe not when the roads are 100000000m wide:D
How can a kid with 15-16years drive a vehicle, just utter bullshit.
welcome to the united states of america!
shut up polak, ill destroy your country
I think this is conclusive proof that games do not influence kids. I mean sure you did something bad but you didn't rape and murder a prostitute, or mow down a group of school kids.
i think your right, the other day i fucked this girl... and when i gave her 1 fuck, she flew out the roof.. i never saw her again!!!
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