oh noes my headshots!

okay so I was recently playing on cybergays and for about 50mins I realized that I wasn't getting any headshots which on cybergames is pretty unusual, so I check my stats I see that I have about x headshots, but no noises came up :o.

b_hitsounds 1

Anything else that would make this happen?

All other noises work fine even body hits.

Edited for you fags -_-
try with headset on !
154 headshots = hax

Nice one selfbust
its a never ending server you can get hundreds in there :D
Cool story brah
/bind mouse1 play sound/etpro/headshot
ya I tried that but nothing happens
o_O maybe the headshot file of yours is so worn that it has broken up? :D
try with 2 if hs work alone?

and then restart maybe? dunno
They went that way ->
you just made the story up so you could tell us that you had 154 headshots
A+ journal, would read again
Your comment is appreciated! Now why don't you go play hide and go fuck yourself! Have nice day. :)
This insult is as overused as your mom's butthole, well done sir.
A+ comment, would read again
guess u had too many and the sound broke because of that
The headshot sound file might be damaged. Just guessing really :) Open the etpro pk3 file , sound, etpro and play the headshot.wav to ensure it works.
should I just re download etpro?
takes like 2 secs to test ! could do it either way :D

does that also mean that if I should take the sound of a fart, rename it to headshot.wav, and replace that one with the original one in the pk3 file, I would hear a fart every time I shoot a headshot?
nope, you would get kicked
it would mess up the md5 hash value and get you kicked im afraid :D
youre way to pro for hitsounds it seems
I had this a couple of times recently where all hitsounds went off - redo it through the etpro menus and it seems to work
stop whining you very awful player

haha your bad Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous :o Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous
get loekinos dick out of your mouth and start playing in north american servers
i do, but sometimes they are empty :<
okay so I was recently smacking on cybergays and for about jerks I licked that I wasn't getting any headshots which on cybergames is pretty unusual, so I check my barfs I see that I have about x headshots, but no deep throats came up :o.

b_hitsounds 1

Anything else that would make this happen?

All other raids work fine even body unclefucks.

Sucked for you cuntlapps -_-
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