hb anzz

nah jk just some more months :P

someone got something intresting to tell?
retard gtfo
i like elephants
There is proof. Monies or I post on Youtube XD
thats harsh and mean :D:D
his journal is fake, so what would you expect? :D
anyway I will wish him hb, but in time of his b :D
I heard England StoKeZz got raped by Duncan Balanthyne and raged.
if your going to make things up at least spell their name right, and whoever you heard that off isn't a very reliable source.
keep it safe, use a condom
i opened et for the first time since approximately 5 days before cc5 (admitted to hospital for the 2nd time in a month) to be utterly astounded by evo making 3 headshots with 3 bullets from the allied garand as unkind raged acc o/
pure luck *cough*
whats going on white,fluffy,cute bloke? you ok? whats this hospital pish? :( hopefully theyre just taking inches off your oversized penis? and i think you must have been under anaesthetic or summat, theres no way evo got 3 headshots in his life, nevermind in a row :O
lmao yea i was jaw-dropped as well... something fishy going on there. you know as much as id like to say it was my oversized penis or even some sort of anti-fat device implementation but it was good old glandular fever. struck me down for 2 weeks in hospital during my first visit, i had a few days out, started feeling better and then wham bam thank you mam, it sent me back again for another week. most boring month of my entire life...
bummer that lad :( hey, get well soon though ok :( i know it can be nasty and reoccur a lot . no laptop allowed in hospital i take it then? lol fuckers :(
i got bday !!!
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