monitor advice

i have no clue about monitors at all and im too lazy to read me into this...

so some of u might have a good advice for me, which monitors i should look for to buy... i mean which kind (tft or wtf), which specifications etc...

im glad to get any advice :-)

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As tace said, i switched from a crt to a LCD 6ms and i cant notice any difference.
Tbh get an LCD, way more reliable.
Around 150€ you find really good 19' wide screens.
But some nerds will harass you about taking some 250€ monitors or more cause of some retarded spec that you will never care about.
im using a 8600gt so i might get problems with such a big widescreen i guess?!

which one would u propose to buy? :o

Well, why would you have probs ?
I switched to my 19' widescreen with a 8400GS without any problem, and a mate did the same with the same GPU as you.
When i bought it it was in emergency (my old crt crashed) so i bought a "noname" (actually the brand is Hanns-g).
I paid it 100€ and for the moment it really fit everything i do and i dont notice any problem.
But if you have money to invest prefer fome good brand (even if i dont know if it worth it).
ok thank you! i apprecciate your reply :)
It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake
If the way is hazy,
You gotta do the cooking by the book
You know you can't be lazy
Never use a messy recipe,
The cake will end up crazy
If you do the cooking by the book,
Then you'll have a cake
We gotta have it made,
You know that I love cake
Finally, it's time to make a cake
We gotta have it made,
You know that I love cake
Finally, it's time to make a -
'You gotta do the cooking by the book!'
you do have to run CRT @ +85hz to make it better then a tft ...

just having a crt running at default refresh rates isnt going to look any bettter then TFT. If you ever played on 125fps / 120hz you'll never say didnt notice a difference ... its ubersmooth.
Well, i play on a 75hz refresh rate which may sounds sucky but cant help it :<
75hz TFT > 75hz CRT

A crt needs a lot of images to work nicely. TFT images stay on the screen till a new image is available. CRT flash images at you at a rate of 75 to 200 images a second. Trust me, any CRT using high displayrefresh with high framerate will totally outperform any TFT, the difference is huge, especially in games with fast paced action.
ge zijt een biest, welke 19 inch widescreen is het beste voor gaming atm? hebde daar een idee van toevallig :)? kga me nieuw scherm aanschaffe ma kdenk da 22" wa te groot is -_- kspeel nu op 17" TFT
khem alleen nog maar CRT's gebruikt :)

kheb nog ne 19" 120hz @ rmode6 iyyama monitor staan, maar die beeldqualiteit is niet meer de beste en khem die jaren op hoge brightness en contrast laten draaien, dus kdenk dat ge die niet wilt hebben :)

ik kan wel aan goeie CRT's geraken tuseen de 19" en 22" voor 20€ per monitor :)
hoe geraakt ge daar aan mss? en goeie 19" CRT daarmee bedoelde dan dat da perfect werkt op 125Hz he?
19" @ 120hz in rmode6 doet mjin oude, khem nu 22" die doet 100hz in rmode 8

normaal doet elke monitor boven de 19" 120hz in rmode6, goeie doen al vanaf 19" 120hz.
mjah ma ik moet toch genen CRT hebben ze :p ik speel al heel men leven op nen TFT en kem daar geen last mij, degene dak nu heb is 60Hz en 25ms :D maja kwil wel is nieuwe hebbe ma wel nen TFT.. kdacht eerst aan Samsung T220 ma da lijkt me wa te groot..
ni aan mij vragen :)

Enigste TFT's dak op werk zijn 30" TFTs voor jewelcad en die dingen zijn niet gemaakt voor te gamen :)
i am still using an old CRT 21'inch from SGI (old monitor from a CAD workstation @ my company)
CRT or TFT, depends on what you want to do on your pc
#12 - Question/Answer: The best LCD for gaming - Asus VW222U has all these features and even more!
LG flatron W2452V (24" 2ms) are pwnz hard

cod4 and cod2 @ 1920x1200 got 250fps with a 8800GTS 512 card @ high quality
lol'd @ random pic !:)
well atm i have a 19" crt and i paly et with r_mode 4 and 120hz...that might be a huge difference to switch on tft -_-

i recognized that on lan too..
well, if you dont mind being a bit worse, there are some nice tft's with no input lag that can be decent for gaming. But still it's 75hz max, so you'll feel a huge difference the first 2 weeks.
After that you'll get used to be owned so it will be OK :o)))))
Show me at least one LCD with no input lag?
Quote by ShukiLG L227WT is the one labeled as 0ms on digitalversus but some other tests said it actually has an average of 9.4ms input lag with a maximum of 20ms input lag with only a minimum of 0ms.
22": LG L227WT, 1680x1050 (16:10)

* Panel: TN (LPL LM220WE3); 6-bit+Hi-FRC, 16.7M colors
* Image Delay (rt+lag): 0 - 0 - 0
* Specifications: LG L227WT
* HDCP Compliant: Yes
* More Info:
* Notes: US model is L227WTG-PF (glossy). Excellent gaming monitor (zero input lag). Vibrant colors.
Then I look over at and, where it doesnt score well at input lag (20ms and 33ms max).
If you have already thought to yourself that the very good response time is spoiled by input lag, you can rest easy: in a stopwatch comparison, the L227WT runs synchronously with a CRT monitor and we can eliminate any noticeable lag for movements and volleys of shots in action games based on the model&#8217;s performance.

In short: even for extreme hardcore gamers, the LG L227WT is absolutely suitable and can be used without any limitations. Users who are not happy with this LCD monitor in this context should stick to tube monitors or question their skills.
There was smth like 5 monitors over 30 tested that had no input lag in a french comparison/test.
Link is here if you want to search for them:
Just look at the etape 3 (comparison) and "temps de retard par rapport à un crt" ("input lag") section. then it's easy to understand :)
Oh, it's DigitalVersus and you could just change the language but thanks though.
whoops, it wasnt some time ago :P my bad
yeah, tft's give input/output lag but luckily the technology delivers a stable image which doesnt got the tearing CRT's got. We'll there's 'tearing' but not like on CRT's where your display is showing two images at the same time resulting in the annoying line where the two images meet.
tearing has never ever been a problem for me on CRT, and I've never used vsync

i think the only way to see it is to concentrate and TRY to see it, which you won't do while gaming anyway
its easier to get or to see tearing with higher resolutions if u use something like 800x600 there shouldnt be any problems
1280x1024 over here :DDD

i love 5:4 aspect ratio :) Everyone looks so fucking fat!
never had problems with tearing on crts. Never played with a larger r_mode than 6.
(but I cant complain on lcds anymore, I had a nice aim feeling at the last cc, better than the previous ones :()
i think ill stay with my crt... ^^
If you understand french, look at my reply to blind right over, and see which ones have no input lag (but you'll have to do with the 2ms and the 75hz displayrefresh, if you choose to go for it :P)
go back to china, bitch!
got a 22" lg wide 2ms and it's absolutely fine for gaming imo

it's about 180€ nowadays I think

been using this on a ubercrap 6600gs or something before and it worked normal.

if you got no clue about monitors, all the hertz-fps-refreshrate relations (like me) etc you can go for any monitor that has nice (marketing)specs
LG L227WT?
L226WTQ (Digital) is what settings are telling me.

it's ~1,5 years old though
I got 20" TFT Samsung SyncMaster 2053BW 2ms and i m really satisfied.
maybe 22" d be better.

me is samsungfanboi!!! look best!
well NOW i know what NOT to buy - at least :D:D
I'd take the new revision of the LG L227WT called L227WTP

here you go, have fun with it, andreas
samsung 226bw 22" 2ms is fine for me
nothing is good enough for you :'(

stop stealing weak :'''( maneater :'(
take me into tag then!!11

actually I'm not stealing him, so don't be so harsh :-(
we considered taking you in, so we could keep weak!
pls I'm high+ skilled, np. weak's just a bit busy this week, but not because of me, I'm totally innocent
[GER] Es ist egal ob du einen TFT kaufen wirst oder einen CTRL, ganz einfach aus dem Grund

das die TFT´s keinen Displayrefresh haben. Bei Windows steht zwar "60" aber nur aus dem

Grund das es für XP die Standarteinstellung ist. Und alle TFT´s die nicht aus der ersten

Produktionsreihe kommen haben höchstens eine Verzögerung von 5 MILI! Sekunden,

das ist so wenig du merkst keinen Unterschied. Ich habe einen 22" ,um genau zu sein :

F. Siemens : L22W-6SA [/GER]
cba to make an own journal so here a question:

can somebody explain me the relation between hertz and fps (& maxpackets) ?

I mean... my tft (or lcd dunno the difference l@l) can give 60hz, and my comp is able to gimme 125 fps, oky.

I read that people said it's useless to use 125 fps with an lcd as it like... can't draw all fps (due to refreshrate) or something, and that it's 'wrong' to use such an amount of fps or that it's not correct that it gives 125 fps ?!

But still 125 fps feels 10000 times better than 76 or even 43 fps, which both feel like dukenukem3d on a gameboy.

I'm using 1680x1050 resolution and it gives me 125 fps (on very rare occasions unstable)
TFT doenst use a displayrefresh. Open the ET Console and tip in it :

/r_displayrefresh 1 => no differents.
yea I know that already, but my point was:

if the monitor can't produce 125 fps, why does it feel so much smoother if it's not even possible ? or am I getting something wrong here?

don't say placebo, this argument is only valid between retards
He can produce 125 thats for the reason :o
don't listen to them, they act like FPS only affects the frames drawn on screen, but that isn't true, for instance mouse input has a huge impact with higher fps

even if the frames are unrendered, the mouse input is still applied to that frame, and since 125 is divisible directly into 250, 500, 1000 (commonly used mouse frequencies), it makes it far smoother (for me at least)

btw, my LCD while only giving 60Hz on DVI, can pull out 1280x800@75hz if I use VGA, which is why when using my LCD for gaming (which is very rarely because I have a nice CRT!) I switch to a VGA cable
didn't understand everything/anything :D

but it supports my this-is-all-bs theory, thx
Which ASUS model do you have?
more the smoother is my experience as well
frames per second
not sure but i don't think we're the only persons on this planet who share this preference
so u guys would say: CRT > TFT

okey, whats the best crt then?? i need a new monitor...mine is just huge and even cleaning doesnt help no more to make it look better...too much swaffelen!!! ;-D

LOL but when i check amazon etc, they dont even sell crt's no more :D where to buy?^^
Just get a tft im using one np also you get more room on your desk for beer and foodz

Now be my buddy!
you can try ebay, however if you do want a crt you will be looking at quite alot to pay for postage. imo look around localy for one, classified ads or places that sell monitors and second-hand computer equipment etc.

anything made by samsung, iiyama, sony, dell is likely to be suitable. Although, try to avoid the curved screen models - i think the totally flat screen ones are labelled 'Trinitron' or some similar variant.

ok...well theres not 1 shop in vienna which sells new crt monitors :D thats kinda weird imo!! and yes, i want a totally flat one...mine is curved too, which sux donkeyballs...

ill check some resellers or smth... thnx! :)
i just bought 2 of these and they are awesome screens
me iz have LG Electronics Flatron L226WTQ, 22"
I like my Samsung T220 22"
Depending on how picky you are, buying a new monitor can be a pain in the ass. I ordered 3 tfts, the first was new but had stuck pixels, the second and third were both used, both had stuck pixels, too and on the second monitor the menu button was snapped off -___-;
Get an Benq E2200HD monitor. 16:9 1080p HD and very cheap.
well depends if you really want a thin monitor get an LCD cause the CRT's wont ever get much smaller but a CRT definetly is better for a clearer view...
i got a 22" LCD and it said 5 ms which i thought id never notice anyways but when you turn you will notice especially when you turn fast... the CRTs go along way faster not blurring your vision.. my LCD however blurrs the whole picture and it takes me a felt second or 2 maybe to get that picture together again cause its so blurry in the beginning as a matter of fact i cant see shit while turning so better watch out what LCD you get or simply stay with CRT seeing that i obviously am not the right 1 to give you tips on monitors though ill stop here :D
CRT is way better for gaming. Tft's got better colours though..
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