What to buy?! (NL VOOR RBNT)

So it's the time of the year again, it's my birthday. As usual I get loads of money of friends and family, but other than recent years I've no idea on what I can buy of it. Normally I always have a general idea of what I need/want, but I really can't think of anything this year. So what would you suggest I would buy?!

Thanks for your help already <3!
buy a life or a car.
Already have a car
not much left then
I know, that's why I have no idea what to do. I could use a new bike but with my drivers license and stuff I don't feel like using it.. at all.
save it for the rainy days
hb wesbo <3
a prostitute
Ha I got discount by this one prostitute who said she thought I was cute and she'd do me for 10 euros. I bought food instead though.
buy me a headset!
You can have yours back if you want :P
cc6? i need one :Dd
send me the headset please it will cost only 5 euros :DDD
maybe tell us how much do you have?:P
Like 500-600 euros.
That's part of my salary + money I got today.
oh ok, spend it on smth nice then.
and happy birthday btw :P
I would go for iphone + clothes :P

if serious, clothes
what tace saied
a 2 dolla wh0r3
buy a gun!
ye you should also buy clothes!

so, you lost your child?
xbox 360 + incoming game @ march 2009: UFC Undisputed!!

im going to buy that combo as soon as this game is out!!

just my advice :)
I already have a ps3 who I barely use! Seems like a waste of money to buy yet another console :(
true that...well ps3 i dunno...i almost bought it, but i just dont like the games for it...

well then, i dunno your hobbies except gaming..
Holiday. Pack sun screen, nothing else, I'll meet you at the airport.

My mom works for an airline so I get major discount on flights, I should use it more often but I never seem to have the time to go :(
omg where to???
you have nothing those two would want
i was hoping they r both ONLY in same beachballteam :p
iphone, notebook, other random multimedia shizzle which nobody needs
I already have a notebook & my phone is rather new..
some hifi system then, new better speakers, there's always something to spend money on
That's a good idea =)
now this is a decent idea. choose wisely what hifi though
-Mouse pad
-Good Chair :D
-Save it for later on dnno ;)
I have it all already :(
My PS3 whit 4 games i dont use it
What games, already have a ps3.
Cod 5
Fifa 2009
Gta 4
Assasins Creed
How much do you want for the first three :D
a nice watch
Indeed! Watch is always a good invesment. Though, 500-600e isn't enough for a good watch. Sure you can buy a nice average watch with that amount of money.

Bought myself a TAGHeuer last April. Sure it's expensive but really worth it. :p
Gtfo, you can buy a 'good' watch for 500 euro's. You know what a good watch does? It shows you the time.

A watch for 20 euro's does that too btw. :D
QuoteSure you can buy a nice average watch with that amount of money.

But I'd rather spend a little more money on a superb watch!
Well, whatever suits you ofcourse :-)

I personally wouldn't spend that much money on a watch, but yeah I payed a couple of hundred euro's for a guitar.
But hey, when you invest enough money for a watch it becomes a life time watch.
Most likely I will get bored of it someday but I could still use it. That's why I said 'rather buy a quality watch than a 500e good average watch.'
True, I suppose it won't break that fast ^_^
I don't like a watch on my wrist, I got one last christmas and I never wear it.
A guitar is a whole different story than a watch.. 1000€ for a guitar = ezbash
buy baggiez ^^
nice replying skills
teufel or any sound system ?
just save it perhaps ??
maybe start saving for when you move out or something, always handy to have the money there when you really need it
why expensive ? taste > money ;D
added you @ ql btw =D
same :[
I don't agree :< Beer is cheap and good !!! Like goldstrike or Pecket !!
save it and go out more often
I don't like whiskey sorry :<
i wanna buy a guitar :[
fu stop replying so ! :<
zet ff snel (NL) achter je titel :P

waarom heb jij alles al vies verwend knaapje, wat voor een auto heb jij?

als je t nou ff opzij zet knal je in de meivakantie in die auto met je vriendin of een paar vrienden naar barcelona of zo (dat ga ik ook doen vandaar :P) heb je lekker veel om uit te geven is gruwelijke vakantie bovendien is t in mei in barcelona al sowieso super lekker

opgelost ;Z zo ik ga lekker werken :CCC

ps gefeliciteerd
Hey niet verwend! Ik betaal/spaar alles zelf op en koop er dan shit van. Vorig jaar lcd+ps3 en nu heb ik echt geen idee wat ik moet kopen. Ik heb een prima pc/laptop, tv, console & auto. Ik heb trouwens een renault clio :P ja is wel beetje gay maar hij brengt me waar ik wil zijn!

Ik weet niet hoe het met jou zit hoor maar ik heb geen meivakantie?! Gewoon doorwerken is het hierzo! En al mn vrienden zijn sowieso cheap ho's die nooit geld hebben.
heb je op de uni geen meivakantie? :Z ik doe hbo ik heb gewoon 2 weken als t goed is

en anders neem ik wel 10 dagen vrij laat ze ff snel een dikke krijgen

ik heb een ka :D maar het rijdt idd =P
Spaar het op todat je weet wat je er mee gaat doen
save for stdudy and so on.. ;)
if you havent any education,go for a fuck in a puff =)
toast is a nice possibility aswelll..dont think so?
I've got my study financed =]
zet het op je rekening, waarom zou je iets MOETEN kopen? als je niks weet spaar het dan gewoon
Nee man! Recessie --> Hij moet juist meer gaan consumeren --> meer vraag --> prijs gaat omhoog --> inflatie HOPPA!
Ik moet ook niets kopen, maar ik had gehoopt dat iemand met een super idee kwam waar ik zelf nog niet aan gedacht had!
wordt manager van team overload, koop met het geld wat etbot's en get busted!

nee maar serieus nu.. zo'n surround sound system ofzo.. altijd leuk als je een filmpie aan het kijken bent..!
holiday ofc
You need PRO SCISSORS, so you can cut your hair ;)
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