Laptop Keyboard problem..

Started few days ago..

ok so: there is this really anoying thing with my keyboard..

When i type a sentence, letters end up not gettin entered. Like This:

when i tpe a cntence, lettes en up not etting ented.

So i have to correct All The Time...

Touchpad also lags when i make circles for example..

USB Mouse works fine.. Just keyboard and touchpad..

Already scanned, didnt help..

Oh yea, its usually gone after an hour, but still anoying...
oopsy daisy
There are several possibilities. Firstly, your computer could be so busy running other things in the background that it cannot react quickly enough to your keystrokes. Now, if you are running lots of things in the background (eg. Defragmenting the hard disk, moving hundreds of MBytes from one drive to another, backing up your hard disk, converting a DVD movie to divx) then this might not be a problem. If you aren't - then someone else might be! You
could have a trojan, a virus or spyware running on your machine, using the processor. If you are connected to the internet it is essential that you do use anti-virus and anti-spyware software to prevent and, if that fails, to detect this. What your computer may be so busy doing is sending a copy of all your keystrokes to someone - including your passwords, credit card details, home address, bank details, etc.

The beeps could indicate a buffer over-run. Typically, whilst you type, the letters you take are put in a buffer and taken out from the buffer by the program you are using. A beep indicates that you are putting in
data faster than it can be removed. Typically this is caused by overloading the machine as described above. The beep is a warning – much in the same way that a beep on a laptop as the battery gets low is a warning. If the computer is a desktop, then battery level is not going to cause a beep!
wow, epic

edit: beeps?
beeps as in pressing to much keys at the same time, not hearing any tho.

1) are all your drivers up to date?
2) system restore maybe?

checked drivers, they're fine.

btw, its gone now, works perfect again. But when i close laptop or shut it down, i will have the same problem again when opening it...
whoa, what a lovely explanation <3
yes, copy and pasted, hence why half of it is about beeps which the poster doesn't have.
I'm just being cynical, fuck the internet :(
Got it from a source mate :)
spill less juice on it

Try to finish alll lame process'es with task-manager

edit: laptop sucks :)
buy random keyboard?
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