QL invites left

I've 4 invites left, 4 first win!scored-through text

pmme your email, first and last name =o

gl <3

all gone :D
got 5 left also
gimme one
i can't receive e-mails from activision o_O
already tryed different e-mail adresses

anyone has an idea?
check your junk box :x
i wanna see how it is :/
i want an invite :<
Got 5 4 3 2 here. PM me
First Name Last Name E-mail Address Skill Level
Beginner, intermediate, expert.
And ill send them out.
got one left
2 left =D
any chance there is 1 of those left for me? (A)
pmme your email kk thx
imo there should be sticked forum topic for QL invites
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