
k so from yesterday journal i decided to go with ubuntu as my first linux o/s
k well here's my problem
---Well i cannot connect to my wirless network, it will show both of my neighbours wireless networks but i cannot seem to connect to my own one.
---Windows picks up my wireless network fine and i can connect to it using my wep key, which i am writing this post from now

googling brings up alot of confusing stuff

im using a PC54G2 PCI wireless card

details that might help to solve problem

the signal strength of my wireless network to my room displays in windows as low but i can connect to it fine maby linux doesnt show networks which are below a certain signal strength?
more useless cmds pls.
first thing wich came up :/
just an idea: do you hide your ssid?
it shows up in windows so i dont think i hide it
can't use my hd4850 with ubuntu 8.10 :<
I gonna take a shit
try to connect manually with ifup iwlist and ifconfig, enter the ssid, ip, protection etc.
Can you see it with kismet?
kismet is awesome for wardriving!
I rarely use my laptop at all but that was the sole reason for buying one a few years back. Still works well and cracks WEP easy enough if I find somewhere nice.
Most places around my area are unencrypted though, and we've a nice hotspot in our town too which I use!
Usually have backtrack booted up though with my lappy as I use it for fucking about on my network :{
type "iwlist wlan0 scan" (you might need to switch wlan0 for wifi0, ath0 or eth0, type "iwconfig" to find out what. If something pops up, it's a good sign and probably it's because you're hiding your ESSID.

Linux not showing things below a certain signal strength? Lol, this isn't windows, linux will never try to hide information from you.
QuoteLinux not showing things below a certain signal strength? Lol, this isn't windows, linux will never try to hide information from you.

lInUX n3RD
TBH I'm currently dissecting the linux wireless stack, i'm writing a wireless-tool for my phone :D
k so how i do go about manually enterning my setting if i am hiding my essid
If you're using network manager (that thing next to your clock), you do it by clicking that icon and choose "Connect to other network" (or whatever in english).

If that don't work, commandline:

iwconfig wlan0 essid youressid
and then either
iwconfig wlan0 key OLOLHEXADECIMALKEY <-- This sets your key
iwconfig wlan0 key s:asciikey

and then
dhclient wlan0

and you might be online!
gonna try now and report thxs for the help
no prob, good luck!
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