vent (channel) prob

ordered my a vent server a week ago or smth and made some channels, they worked for a few days but like a day later there was the problem that you couldnt talk anymore. the only place were you were able to talk was the lobby, all the channels werent working.

anybody heard of this problem before or know how to fix it? would be much apreciated.

nvm, fixed it :o)
make sure the channel are not flagged as moderated like a irc channel or something im guessing
hmm it did work before and i didnt change anything (afaik) when it started not to work :P
give admin pw and i could fix it.
just too nubish tbh :D
i know, thats why im asking :D
dude, dont steal me my flame :<
come with smth better then!
delete them,make new one?
will be my last option ye :p
google > crossfire
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