So yesterday!

I changed my FPS from 17 to 70 stable! That etpack 1.5 cfg suck balls and i lag like shit on it ;DD But when i loaded InterFace's i had an huge fps boost! Tonight i will fix it all so i can play on my PC (didnt do that lately, since my laptop can handle ET and i played like 1 year some different games on it). That made me happy, i will pown at my pc again and i can rage cybergames again!

Oh and i have prolly 2 QL invites yet because i only got 3 pms, so be fast m8s

haha nice gl xDdidnt even know you play ET active again
2 evenings a week :->
i has 1/1 invites left !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21:30 I will be home again

time for some sexy ET!
im home a bit later without a mic prolly
lets play.i dont know how,but lets do it :D
i will try a new config. default served me really well trough these few years
not now...laterz
Joo time to pwn ^^
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