New OBJ's needed

With all the talk this morning about new maps this morning I've come to the realization that what we need just as much as we need new maps is one or two new decent obj's. ET players are accustom to 3 styles of of OBJ in comp....

Vehicle Mover: IMO the worst. To me the devs put very little thought into movers. They're time consuming & can be very boring. Full holds are the easiest on mover maps.

Doc/Parts Runs: Although a decent obj,tend to make the map lotto. The exception being radar.

Dyno: Dyno objs make the most sense. You get to the obj, plant & defend the plant for 30 seconds & opposing team has 30 to overtake the def & diffuse.

Or it can be a combination of the above which generally drags things out even more.

I'm not very creative when it come to this kind of stuff but it would be nice to see something completely new. Several maps out there that have diff style obj's & even though the map may not be setup right, the obj is interesting & different.

I played COD4 comp for a very short period. It got boring fast & what made it boring for me was the same stupid obj every single map "Explosives Planted" ET needs a refresher & some new obj's would be a good start.

snatch3 has all 3!

maybe a bit too much, but nothing a script can fix.

+warbell is player-sacrifice as end!
still a obj run map, though it's very nais with the button
One off the best map ever
Yea its really fun to play!
+1 -1 =0

its not that bad at all ;)
flag capture
i would love it to see somebody hosting a cup on that huge ET football map...
thats awesome fun. we ve played it clanintern the other day but i cant remember the map anymore...

something like that would be nice
got screenshots? i remember playing a map which was a giant pooltable :D

balls rolling around the table you needed to dodge bringing obj from one side to another. aswell inside the table as on top of it
mmmh this?
QuoteNFL (Beta 1) Its a football game. Each team needs to steal the opposite ball and try to score in the fieldgoal. 10 goals to win the match or the higher team score win the match if time is up.
b_moverspeed should be increased to 5
well, for me the speed of tanks/trucks isnt the most irritating, its the fucking delay before it starts moving, sometimes it just wont start moving until after like 3 seconds, sometimes it moves after 1 sec, i just dont fucking understand it. If this delay was removed, or somehow fixed to always be 0.5s + moverscale 1.5-2, now that would be much better.
delivery is something different, that made the success imo
I also though about making new styles of obj. but what??
bremen has al those 3, but the map sux like hell :X

supply got them also, only the 'run'obj is the crane controls
hate bremen :P
hate bremen :P
hate bremen :P

Bremen sucks
fuck you with that shitty map
hate bremen :P
hate bremen :P
the second stage of cathedral is nice :P
what do you think about this...
axis attacks a radio outpost wich was destroyed by the allies a year ago.. the axis need to rebuild it and call in for reinforcements.. when the axis have rebuild this crap they need to defend it untill the reinforcement arrive, set a timer on the objective..

or is this imposible and am i being stupid? :p
hmm nice idea
but what if allies destroys the radio with a stachel? time reset?
and i dont know either whether its possible or not

but its a nice idea in my opinion
very nice idea!
w8 for w2 and take ideas from there, if people will still play ;d
a flag in the middle and make the way to the flag exactly the same for both teams. put a 20 minute timer on who holds the flag the longest wins.

have a giant machine and you need to throw four grenades inside!!1!?1/1/1

actually crevasse_b1 objective was insanely awesome, build a gun hit a switch to blow open a wall, and then run to that building and +activate the transmitter


Conditional objectives like that are awesome. Can't secure the documents without having plane built, which can be satchelled. Delivery takes a similar approach using the buttons, you need to hold one objective to be able to complete the other objective, and these kind of maps are pretty fun

so bring back secretweapon!
crevasse was nothing more than a big fail tbh
make some kind of chemical plant, allies have to blow up a gate to enter it and then inside is a control room with 2 buttons overlooking some serious chemical shit, the 2 buttons have to be pushed at the same time by allies(if possible) and then defended for 30seconds (or 1 minute, whatever works best) before the chemical plant go boom boom. there's a switch somewhere else/in the room which axis can press to cancel the meltdown, allies gotta stop em.
better idea, underwater facility that is flooding and the water level keeps rising, the allies have to have to keep a drainage system active and guarded for 30 seconds to full fix the leak, and axis have to keep it unfixxed, map finishes when water hits the top and everyone drowns

sick idea or what

also there is a huge really intelligent shark trying to kill everyone
can the shark fire lazer beams?
cant shot underwater
he can use a knife!
not sure, id look up the film i was referencing on imdb but i cant remember the name

actually found it...
Oh btw there is already a map of this sort, it was in 1024 competition.
polaks would autowin that map. Lag + medipacks run for the buttons.
you are right!

Quote by meezCREVASSE

have a giant machine and you need to throw four grenades inside!!1!?1/1/1
caen2 has all
not really a dyna plant except for the fence but u dont need that
goldendunk in competition imo :D
there is a map where you have to push a button inside of a hall where a rocket gets the countdown for the start, and axis have to defend it :/

kinda funny map :)

but i dont know the mapname anymore :((
Crevasse = Best map imo!
some novel ideas posted but these obj's would only be for one particular map. What I was more referring to is something that would work across a wide array of maps like the current standard 3 obj's.
Reactor had an different objective aswell (but it was kinda the same as a dynamite, but just a bit different)
Let's do hostage escort mode ? LOL.. I can't think of anything else really :'(
1 allies player is locked in the prison (just a door with a switch) and the other have to rescue him when they got him they need to escape with the truck!

so in the begin its alway 2on3 or 5on6 :D
reactor ftw
That japanese map, password2 or what the hell was it. It's pwnage.
yes password rocks
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