Samsung 22" T220

I have tried all sorts of resolutions and like none, wish i had not spent £170 :(

seta r_mode "-1"
seta r_customheight "1050"
seta r_customwidth "1680"
seta r_displayrefresh "60"

I have been told r_mode 4 and 8 work ok but dont like them either :D just thought i would share the love!


finally found it doesn't play bad with max fps 60 it was too jerky with anything else :(

also 125 fps is sweet!
try r_mode 6 or 7
Do you like the screen? Im planning on buying a new screen, the Samsung t220 was one of my options :D
actuaully if i set my max fps to 60 it play ok.
force the lcd via drivers (hmm, atitraytools/rivatuner) to work @ 75Hz (if it supports it) and play ET @ 75fps :o
but try to change video driver. I had with one driver like i was shooting underwater : S and everything seemed to be pretty wierd
ok thanks that exactly what it feels like!
what do u exasctly mean "underwater?"
everything was like delayed etc
yeak like blurry when moving your aim around
which driver do i have to use now?
lol i have the same peoblem. and which driver do u use?
i have radeon x1950 pro with amd ati drivers 7.9, the 8.x were all fucked up, forced refresh rate override etc
samsung tft driver from disk ?

Im using:

seta r_mode "-1"
seta r_customheight "1050"
seta r_customwidth "1680"
seta r_displayrefresh "60"
seta com_maxfps "125"
seta cg_fov "110"

working great! no screen lagging now
i moved to lcd screens a couple of years back and found the only way to limit the tearing and jumpiness is to match or at least sync fps to refresh rate

as someone else has said you can 'hack' the registry to allow higher refresh rates.. but if you can run at 125/120 fps at 60hz it's a lot better than 75fps/hz

also if you've gone widescreen for the first time don't forget to tweak your fov (i use 90fov@4:3 and 100fov@16:10)
had a 17" viesonic lcd 3ms before and had it at 75 hz 75 fps smooth, loved it.
if your pc will pull 125fps it's a lot smoother at 60hz than 60fps... at 60 most of the diagonal lines and a lot of the textures refuse to render smoothly
yeah mate running 125 fps seems to help cheers! :)
im liking it better now mate its nice having a big screen, but takes a bit of getting used to and the settings that feel good to you.
i bought like 2 weeks ago LG w2284f and can't say anything bad about it, ok 4:3 wide what everyone said is the best for gaming is a bit shit, can't play at all with it, but 22" widescreen with it is kinda superb though it seemed wierd at first. Was also looking T220 but was worth to buy to buy LG i think
it has only 60 hz?
omg 60?
doesn't mean anything if it's 60/75/orwhatever number if ur talking about lcd screens since lcd changes only pixels not whole screen
well someone told me that you have to set the r_displayrefresh to the number of ur monitors hz. and he said that 100hz = perfect

thats why i thought that 60 must be pretty bad
someone told me that if ur electricity is 50 hz and u have 50 hz TV then that's what it is and 100 hz is actually 50 hz TV screen since the power cable that comes into your house is actually working on 50 hz don't know much about this stuff but : / maybe they change someting inside tv
i wouldn't take advice from that person again :x
100 is far from perfect. and crt and lcd hz is diffrent, although 60hz lcd is pretty fucking shit
have some love back <3
Bulldog - how much u want for it??? :D
its not even out yet is it? unless you stole one from CES
It was released in Aug 2008!
uhh.. link? they announced at CES 2009 (january 9th) that it will be out this january.. but some people have said mid-february
What is exactly the problem ?
screen lag like blocky like when your being hit with knockback when you turn your head, even in empty server!
r_customheight 800
r_customwidth 1280
r_mode -1
r_displayrefresh 75

com_maxfps 125 / 76

+ fov calculator
why would he play on a lower resolution when he can play on a higher one..
for 75hz, obviously.

he said 60hz is choppy as hell and i agree, its near unplayable. 75hz is pretty ok after you get used to it.
isn't it that 60hz is really 60Hz stable and when you activate 75Hz that it will sometimess switch between 60-75Hz... ?

edit: what has Hz to do with resolution?
no, it doent randomly switch hz.. im pretty sure monitor hz isnt unstable, its not possible. maybe you're mixing it up with mouse hz

resolution has everything to do with hz. high resolution = less hz, for all monitors. 1280x800 is incidentally the highest 16:10 resolution you can get and still be able to use 75hz.
i bought 2 of these beauties - they rock as dual screens

- Viewable Area: 20” Widescreen (1680x1050 Resolution)
- Interface: Analog / Digital
- Response Time: 2ms
- 16.7M Colours
- Contrast Ratio: 3000:1
- Viewing Angle (H/V): 170°/ 170°
- Brightness: 300cd/m2

i don't like to brag but i got 40 inches :P
syncmaster 2032bw > *
I use r_mode 6. Did you install the drivers and change the settings ?

let's say I played r_mode 4 on a widescreen, how would that look?
thinking about getting new monitor...
on widescreen it would look awesome.
226BW for the win.. to bad they don't produce it anymore..
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