first custom map ever played... ( if you can remember ;) )

like the title says: what was yours :o

mine was trainyard, like 5 years ago:o
gold rush!
? evry map except the original maps inluded in ET :o
minas tirith, 1st map i ever played.
oasis was my first one, after like 2 mins I thought : "wtf is this shit" and I turned it off for a month or so ;P then I decided to give it a try again and that was fueldump, but my first custom was... tc_base but Im not sure :P but if we count it as rtcw map (so no custom) it would be supply
mml helmsdeep
silly ctf and supply in et
silly ctf too
any map in goty_mappack..for rtcw that is..
minas tirith probably
no idea.
super goldrush i think
1st map I saw was: goldrush
1st map I played was: oasis
reading seems hard for most people

probably base or perhaps caen/venice
failgun :o

edit: - railgun :XD
maybe tempel
Lies, you only started 1 year back, you lowlifelowflying scum.
You have a talent at sucking, oh yeah!
First map i saw was Railgun.
fueldump :DDDD
I believe we're back to railgun and oasis if you're thinking on that!
Schwalbe or sth, if I remember right.
80% of these people are dyslectic, I swear.
sad but true :(
tc_base or caen
It was a map which was really big. The map was very long but not that wide.
I think it was some kinde of ship.
Can't remember the name

but first map was railgun, dont know why i remember that
ctf_multi i think.. or propably silly_ctf ... but i´m not sure :D i think the first months i played have been etmain with standart maps :P
no idea, cant even remember which of the original 6 i played first, but i guess that was one of the north africa campaign...
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