has uk football gone mad at last?

after seeing kaka offers top 100 million euros, is english football doomed to go the way of the italian league and spanish league? with clubs having to set limits on wages they pay players? stop the madness!


"I personally think that £100m for a footballer is a disgusting amount – and that to pay someone £500,000 per week to kick a football, no matter how brilliantly and perfectly he does it,illustrates just how insane our world actually is."

Real Madrid offered290 on another player, can't remember which one it was.
thats what im saying ..
Portugal C. Ronaldo is fake!
290? zloty perhaps, not euros
290 euros isn't that much
dude wat did ur mam say when she seen you flashing your nipples?!
Shes used to it
i wouldnt class kaka as a midfielder
no, id class him as an almost over the hill brazillian who'll play shit in the british climate :P but hey ho, when you got 15 billion £'s to throw around, im sure you dont give a fuck :P
I wouldn´t pay 100 MILLION EUROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wtf srsly! :xDD
his facepalm is even better :D
hahahahahaha x)
image: busted-webcam

e; man u shirt!
Once again I don't see the fucking funnies.
Rhand dit is crossfire x)
Haha, this time it actually played. Before it just was a picture of your chest with some vague woman at the background. It IS funny, very well done!
Je blijft een haatbaas
I doubt they actually got that money.
the new owner of man city has an estimated 15 BILLION £ fortune.... i think 100,000,000 E wouldnt even dent his bank acoount.
The financial crisis wont let them invest much in football. Its the same for Chelsea.
they have 15 billion dollars, they dont care so much about the crisis
the difference is city's money comes from arabian oil, not a bank or something. they probably earned more money than ever last year with the outrageous prices they charged for their oil
Actually due to the prize dropping to its half for one barrel in the past months they also lost tons of money and these days noone is still investing in the idiotic building projects they have down there.
they lost millions compared to last year, they still make profits. no way they'd let the oil price drop below the price it costs to produce
who wants to pay 100m for kaka??
manchester city, or to be more exact, their owners which are random saudi oilbillionaires or something
hmm, are there any more names that city are intrested in? except parker / bellamy / santa cruz? would be weird if they only transfer kaka, if he will
i dunno shit about football, only read it on news

better ask someone else ;<

i think they did want robinho though iirc
Quotei think they did want robinho though iirc

right after the season started they said they'd pay more than that 100m quid for ronaldo :-/
ITS OVER 90000000
it's true that the amounts transferred in general are hilarious, but tbh it's a very old and endless discussion about the directions and amounts money is being transfered generally
he has my respect for not being a money-whore
professional football is a normal business with a lot of BS going around. That's why I've given up on watching the upper leagues long ago.
statt dass er mal irc kommt...
It's getting out of hand, random "rich" people suddenly buy a club and go crazy. Especially with the sudden Russian billionairs, imo they changed their bank accounts from rubles to euros.
wonder how the recession is going to affect football in 3 years time ^-^
Now that Chelsea are broke I agree! :P No no I'm not a fickle idiot like most united fans.

There are two extremes, the City's United's & Chelsea's who speculate to accumulate or the Arsenal's who money horde like Jew's, what would you rather?
Arsene is clever with his money if u ask me, and he brings rising stars into the team which no other manager would have the balls to do!
ye and still arsenal have no money to spend either, despite earning more than they're spending for the last few years ;D
Quotedespite earning more than they're spending for the last few years
story of my live
Learn to spill.
Lol how can u compare utd to chelsea when it comes to spending in that way. man utd's wealth is built on success and their success is mainly built on youngsters that have come through the ranks. What is citys and chelsea's built on?
Gotta love united fans, so blind.
u didnt explain.
they are muslims, situation explained,done dusted and delivered
Quote"I personally think that £100m for a footballer is a disgusting amount – and that to pay someone £500,000 per week to kick a football, no matter how brilliantly and perfectly he does it,illustrates just how insane our world actually is."

that guy obviously dislikes football, cause that comment is utterly dumb, and I think that world would be better place without retards like that guy is
what happened to a player, playing for the jersey? being a kid, growing up in manchester, playing in the street, dreaming one day of playing in that hallowed red top? bringing up young men through the youth teams, guys fighting for places to play in the first team? its all gone, and been replaced by faceless businessmen and corporation, only interested in profit, not the love of the game.

you may think that " the world would be better place without retards like that guy is" (lol) , i personally think that he's spot on. the money spent on football now is rediculous and has been for years. play for the love of the game, reward the players, yes, but not to an extent that you have to jack up ticket prices , pay to watch football on tv, pay for 3 sometimes 4 new strips a year, the fans suffer in the long run, and so does the beautifull game.

how much money does 1 guy need? pay his fee to help homeless junkies with dogs in the uk instead, those poor bastards need more heroin for gods sake! think of the junkies!
Agree with most of what u said.
I don't think anything you've said is relevant to this transfer. Main reason because Kaka has rejected the move, and if it was all about money then he would have said yes.
We'll, you do have a point in there, but then again, we have to cope with that there is shitloads of money moving around the game
the problem is that it's usually not the players ruining the game, but the clubs offering them so much money. ofcourse most of the loyalty is gone, but it's not like all the players do it for the money

best example i read in a dutch newspaper the other day, it was a quote from an interview some reporter did after arjen robben's transfer to chelsea. the reporter asked 'well, you're gonna be earning alot of money now aren't you?' and he replied 'what should i have done? say i would've done it for half?'
aye I agree it is ridiclous but i wouldnt begrudge any footballer earning vast ammount, cos I wouldnt turn it away.
hopefully the bubble will burst soon and there will be a complete overhaul of football
City buying decent players and becoming a more than top 8 club

english football has already gone way past italian and spanish, abramovic started it and city is now ruining it even more
Kaka is a monster, END OF. On his day he's better than both Messi and Ronaldo imo when it comes to influencing big games, and he has shown that.

For all the Messi FANBOYS: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=rL6g_BRM7wg

£100M is a lot of money, and I don't think any player is worth more than £50M but it's not all about the player, it's a sign man city are sending out that they are serious about what they've been saying.

However, Kaka is a legend for saying he wants to get old at the club and become captain. He turned down offers from Chelsea (80M last season) and Real Madrid (100M) a few seasons ago and loyal players like him are priceless imo.
You can't blame anyone but the fans really.
dont you tell me who i cant blame!
Most funny is how players like Ronaldo whine about that they are modern slaves.
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