OMG phase OMG

And another great adming of the polak had been done for us.

Poland phase ur the fucking most wannabe :XDD

The exact rule of his ridiculous Freshcore.cup:

Each team has one wild card that can be used to move the match to another date

we used them, but loss anyways. We dont know really why. His excuses are not really working.
Now me and my team are the fault. WOOT???????
I mean here is prolly nobody who is really interessted in, but he should have fun licking his polish teams asses ;)

EDIT: Your channel ban is awesome dunno how to play the cup now :ooo

[21:52] #freshcore.cup unable to join channel (address is banned)

great success phase

polaks... *sigh*
fail mundus xDD
yeh, hes a dick
"allein allein"
k thx for info

but wait, who cares about random 1day/1week cups with random admins?
are you really 24 years old? ;\
are u making a comeback or what? :X
no time dude!
just had a little bit of spare time yesterday and today to play a few :(
ever gonna have time? :(
maybe 3 times a week if i have a very easy week!
lol mundus...
you seems as retarded as sprajt for me :D
Aren't you an admin yourself?
u havnt dserved any better

btw....can make those log in minutes...whatever u want ;))
[21:41:27] * phase sets mode: +b *!*
* Timer 1 activated
* Timer 1 halted
[21:41:32] * mUnduS was kicked by phase ([21:41:08] <mUnduS> fuck ur mom)

Thou shalt not insult my mother
u may create another log?
"Thou shalt not insult my mother"

Eh woOt?
wow admin love
Adacore Administrator 2 January 2005 Offline
chosen Administrator 23 April 2005 Online
swine Administrator 15 May 2005 Offline

do your job chosen! i smell irc logs!
ok im the worst admin ever problem solved :<
u cant beat me ;)
so why u are playing his cups ? :EEEEEEEEE
why are u even admin of that shit ?
dont wanna know what would happen with me @ cb if i say the same to you
how was yoour cookie?
loel engrish ftw
u kinda failed since they can use wildard even 1 min before match ? (or not, but it would be senseless)
cb rules says 10 minutes after scheduled time i think.:<
whatever doesnt matter...
the rules dont say anything concrete... just that we have a wildcard.. nothing about times...

its just ridiculos, he failed to judge with his own rules...
just sad that such people exist
Thats the way CB admins behave. gratz
hm recently got to know him aswell as some may have read the journal :p
though he now unexpectably is fine with the decision
need a stickied list of retarded 1 day cup admins & proofs/explanations

so ppl can check what they're signing up for and don't waste time on retards
Wasn't phase your i-net buddy ?
WP anywayz :=============D
wp mr. asslicker
wp mr. the best admin :=DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
nice acting mature, Mr. CB admin!
ur words....kick us again out of lost channel ;) .... better silence from ur side...thx ;)
you are not banned, only your retarded teammates :O)
what exactly did i do wrong?
in what way did i act retarded?
i deserved a ban?
taking into consideration general values that you recognize - you could be right.
but he has the law to have his own values he respects and which may not obligatory correspond to the general values which are recognized by society.
thanks for your qualitative input my son
when i acted retarded?
is it retarded acting when u got bashed owned by us in scrim?? an u start flaming and start banning us out of ur channel... even ur mates unbanned us, u inmediatly banned us again.. and when im right u Q- deoped one of ur own teammates... so stop talkin about otheres behaviour or even retardness, when you yourself just can act like a 5 year old kiddo whose lollipop have been stolen!
that's business district, no zone for lowbrow ppl like you
bistrict? lowbrow? but my lowbrow > ur wnbbrow
my penis > your penis :)
u make me smile over an over again D:
don't care about him. he has banned me from there too.
just because i ve deleted him from buddy list :D
hes the biggest retard in inet i think :X
fucking kiddie whiner flamer noname random idiot so w/e =)
<3 Phase
</3 Mundus gayface
gayphase lover
schluchtenscheisser ahoi
He's an ass.
lol he replaced my team without even telling me ;\
thats the 'phase-way' of acting ;)
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