fops tips :D

some general fop tips for maps would be nice e.g. where to throw can/put arty down on certain maps.

I know how the can falls like a T
it was on urtiers space but its gone afaik :{
ask chmpp
ask Supo-Olli
gief ammo if you see a medic
srsly...try it by urself
ask Queen
i heard shes good at every class and especially in throwing spawn airstrikes on supply.
I smell ironiiky...
oh my goat, u r so childish. Like DUH!
i just can't help it :/
do.. not.. give..
ye better u just try it
find it out on ur own
attend to enemies spawntime and ur own spawntime
and try to defend an important objective with ur fops attack
2,5sec b4 enemies spawn. Thats it
/q Reikkeri
Block enemy's movement with arti, put airstrikes in places in spawn where enemy cant see em, no prob!
there was an guide by urtier, dunno where to find it :<
put arti on tank when its repaired
dont put arti on your own spawn

now serious:
the best way how to learn to play fop is to try everything
+ every team wants fop somewhere else and have different request.
I personally prefer giving ammo to artis/airstrikes
Ask anyone from Bigbeats, and they'll tell you to ask me. Crazy cunts.
be aware that you can hide in the shade without being noticed, as allies that is
stay a while on the airstrike thingy so the smoke will turn up later,

oh wait hackers dont see the smoke anyways
only u will see it later, other see it just they way if u weren't on top of it : )
serious? didnt knew that :P
Didn't know that.
So funny I always lmao when I see someone trying to hide the smoke that way ;D
Not really, but thats prolly something with your "own" settings.
just go to a server put the can down go on it and u see no smoke for first 2-3 secs maybe but now take out the demo and watch urself and u see the smoke went through u and exactly the way as if u weren't on it or just take someone to watch u are on it and he will say that he can see the smoke, just try it
I've always seen modus do it, i didnt see any smoke coming out like "normal".
at least not busted yet ^^
time will come, time will come
that's what they said about a year ago, can't see the time
dont make me team up with rise and bust you!
i think i have to, i have no other option! : (
ok i demand you to send all of your demos to me now!
get a host and i'll do it!
896 mb
actually im going to watch all your ettv games! consider yourself busted.
171 files only, takes a day or 2 to look them through : D
might aswell stop searching for a team no one is going to take you after im finished
nP, i already got some offers : (
only cheaters will take cheaters!
not true : D
what teams would take a cheater like you then hey??
secret has 2-3 cheaters in the lineup!
ETTV is the answer.
i'm the worsest fops ever so i cant help you, srry :(
ask ,uK' baggiez
looking at zerender i'd say:
- arty + strike and push into your opponent, holding them back as the spam comes in.
- use barrels, boxes, walls, crouch etc to get less hittable while 'controlling the spread' (yeah fu midas, fu you austrian twatfucking cuntsucking piece of shit)
- learn to be patient, fopses are usually playing pretty defensive / position untill the right time comes. Be aggresive / push out at the right times.
- keep your gun up at all times. your gun is the only way to stay alive, unlike medics :)
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