my lemon tree is dead!

6 years ago i planted a lemon seed and grew to a really nice tree, but then i forgot to water it and it died : ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
should i plant a new one ? ! ?
it will only break your heart
but, u know, free lemons for tequila parties are always welcome, time will cure every broken heart (or suicide, depends how much is that heart broken)
E to the M to the O
mines are ET only, not rl serious business : (
i actually wanted my own lemons from my own lemon tree
revive the plant!!
i guess it already tapped out :<
I wonder how, I wonder why
Yesterday you told me about the blue blue sky
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree
I'm turning my head up and down
I'm turnin' turnin' turnin' turnin' turnin' around
And all that I can see is just another lemon tree
i will set my headset on my lemon tree and let this song to it !
:D was gonna paste the same song.

lolz me2 :D
great song!
Plant zeh weed seeds.
retard, u can't get lemons from a weed plant
You can buy lemons in the supermarket, can't buy weed there.

Problem solved imo.
not the same and u can buy weed from dealer, u can't buy lemons from them
Weed from dealers is crap duuuuude, grow it urself! And if you give the dealers enough money, they will bring u lemons next time, I promise
give it water. my plant died after i let it on the heating . now i revived it! and hell yeah it has flowers now!
there is a f00l in here, not in teh garden. h3h3
Like in Water world?
yes, and when it grows up you can have a lemonparty
i would rather die then being a tree in estonia!
racist, lemon trees have feelings too, also the estonian ones
plant killer
i have a pear and a lemon tree out back
I'm so sad for you !
lemon tree > ET
Yes, you should plant another one!
hehe :D euruz you are a pro plantor remembered me back in times when you were asking suggestions for weed plants :D <3

..i suggest that you should plant new one.. at least it will remeber to this three which just died.
yea, that also died because i didn't water it, but i didn't give a shit about that :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
You could plant another one but it can never replace the original.. :((
plant a cactus, no water needed :D
how could u forgot about so nice lemon tree:( but try like saskia said, give him more wather, mabye it will revive him xD
mine also died, been at my yard for like 50 years, died like 2 months ago, wind crashed it, was old :<
thats cool man, growing lemons ^^, how about you grow oranges now ? taste better
what about planting 2 tree's if one dies

u still got a back-up plant :D
First aToOn, now your lemon tree...

you killed a tree brb calling 112
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