I has new bike!

Dear journal, I am a very happy little Dane at the moment, since I just returned home with my brand new bike. It cost me around 321 euros, so I'm pretty happy about a new bike at a decent price :)

Here she is, I'm calling her Frank.
image: bike
Your calling her Frank?
old people shouldnt drive bikes
I'm not old!
at least you can be safe in the knowledge that no one would want too steal your granny bike :P
321 euros?
this shit's worth 100-150 maybe
if i were you i'd buy oldschool bike from ebay for about 50 euro, renovate it and THEN be "very happy"
Might be worth that in Poland Poland, but not in Denmark Denmark (25% VAT).
321€ of that ? well... gl 4 u and Frank
I dont like it
dont call him it, u hurt Frank
I liked Mbesi better then Frank :<
hmm okay graatz for it :D
granny bike !
Tästäkin tehty jo tämmöne? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
aika montaki:> chekkaa naurunappula
calling her ...... frank
til lykke med den :{D
i expected something with an engine
Should I have written bicycle? :P
Every1 buy a bike, its pure fun to ride with it :DDD
yup but winter sucks:(
image: 15012009016wo1
yea agree. Riding in summer is so much better.
In winter it takes like 20mins to put all clothes on ://
well, actually i'm happy with a t-shirt and two sweaters
i'd love to have some gloves too but that ain't necessary
5 mins and i'm ready to go, but I agree, summer is much better:]
really n1ce bike btw.
i have always respected guys who can do amazing tricks
with these bikes :)
This year goal for km's 19000
riding in winter owns, the sound of snow under the wheels is pure awesomeness
i ride almost always with my mp3 playor so i'll stay neutral:D
in holland 2-3 bikes per person
Yea, Holland is great anyway :)
dude :x

get a life seriously -__-
my bike > yours

image: f1xe0x
haha a friend of me got scuh a old crappy bike in pure orange :DDDDDD
"Here she is, I'm calling her Frank." haha nice :XD
btw looks like uve been hustled... 321euro for that sorry excuse of a bike? :<
I wouldn't say I've been hustled. New bikes here in Denmark are quite expensive, It is har to find any resonable ones under 400 euros and usually the price starts at 500+ euros.
here in israel u can get a bike like urs for maybe 150euro :D
tard? I can get those for free lolz
can get that bike for free....
Nice ride. Wouldn't spend that much money on a bike anymore though ;)

btw to the Polag riding my beautiful downhill bike I saved a year for: I hope you get hit by a truck and spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair you fucking piece of shit “:D”
love je ":D" in the end.
arachon's bike looks for midgets
Nice name :)
how come you went for a old persons city bike and not a cool young hip mountain bike? :P
Well, I don't want the maintenance, that a mountain bike needs.
seeing as you would most likely be cycling on the same route you will be on Frank, I doubt that'd be much of an issue :X
omfg where is the motor ?
i bought one last night for 5 euros with working brakes ! i own
wow, that is one expensive bicycle
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