EverGlide Titan:Fnatic [GER]


hat irgendwer von euch da draussen eins dieser pads und wenn ja, wie saebert ihr es ohne die oberflaeche ab zufucken??

anyone of you is using this pad and if yes, how do you clean it without fuckin up its surface??
spucke? :>X
My mum put it in the washing machine she said it was dirty, now its half the size.

I heard someone say you can put it in the dishwasher by itself.
poor you :)
She did the same with my underpants!
:DDD and now u have tanga , dont tell me :D
your mom doesnt respect you
she does shes cleans the brown stains in my underpants
pheerdeswanz ?
Just use some cloth. I Have been using this about a year and surface feels still like new.
Warm water on a damp(not wet) cloth or even an old t-shirt
I used to give it a warm bath.. oke not really but just keep it under warm water for like 2/3minutes and then let it dry

That was with my qpad though
put my everglide in the washing machine. came out perfectly clean, but thanks to my chainsmoking it got dirty within weeks :'(
just dont use soap. I washed mine without any problems, untill some clanmate advised me to use soap (THANKS TIMPURI!!). Just dont :D
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