omfg Jericho!

Posted by dONTHAX on Thursday 15th January 2009, 21:14

Dezire on 15/01/09, 21:14:24

dONTHAX on 15/01/09, 21:14:51

S1 was awesome, S2 "ok" - which leads to low expectations for the movie
awesome news :)
it will fail 4 sure
Jericho got an chinese assault rifle and can only party with you are evil but I don't want any companions anyway because they suck and are mostly in my way and shoot guys I don't want to shoot because I can enslave them with the Mezmerizer and sell them for a buck eventhough I don't realy need any more caps because the game is to easy even on hard because almost every enemy is one or two hit kill if you sneak up on them with shotgun and blast their head off in VAT mode or whatever it is called k thx bye

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