FPS Prob found, Solution needed

So I figured that my CPU temperature is the main problem for my latest drops in FPS

It got over 95degrees celcius when I was playing ET

I got a laptop so upgrading cooling isn't really easy

Though I used to get 80 degrees celcius max when playing ET, I'm wondering why I get 95 now, despite running the same or even less programs than I used to

I formatted 4 days ago so that can't be the problem

I tried different configs, all the same

I got all drivers set like they were before

I defragmented my harddisk

I don't have virusses either since I just used my old files (and if there was a virus in there I would've had the same problem on there wouldn't I ?)

So, I have to resort to crossfire for aid

Google is not really an option since it will give me a lot of random stuff of which maybe 1 out of a million might be able to help me lol

Flame on ^^

E: Kinda fixed after resetting bios

Most significant change made during reset was disabling 32bit IDE transfer mode

Apparently the harddisk's heat got transferred to CPU hence higher temp causing the entire system to overheat and slowdown

Loaded my oldest gfx

Forgot how good they looked yet fps is nice :O (better then wonder's) enemies are better visible :O
Buy laptop cooler

image: thumb-CoolerMasterAluminiumLaptopCooler
Thought about that , but it was fine before, I don't really wanna spend money if I don't have too

Also I don't have space at my current position for a laptop cooler :p
Well check if your cpu cooler is still working properly
what squall said, check ur coollers thats mostly the problem with laptops which
Yeah, but I lose guarantee on my laptop if I open it lol :S
I got a crap Bios so I doubt it'll give me a lot of info D:

I'll try anyway though
Didn't give me any info about coolers :S

I resetted the settings though

Temp at 73 degrees celcius now though

Gonna see how much it goes up when I boot ET though
is your pc freezing now alot too?
No, doesn't freeze

ET sometimes hangs a bit on startup, but that's it

Further I just get crap FPS ingame :(
I used to get 180 degrees whilst playing ET

then they disabled it.
i don't actually aim, i have 360 binds (using shift/alt/ctrl ofc) that change degrees and then i whip out my modified albatross calculator and based on enemy location, class, and movement speed I start tracking them
U need a calculator? HA!

well ur cpu fan might not be well attached to cpu so silicon paste might have got dry
It's a laptop
Don't know much about laptops but I guess they have cpu fans too 0_o ?
Alternative cooling

I don't really know how it works either, there comes a bit of hot air from the back but not really like with a PC
Yeah but I mean there is silicon paste between cpu & fan and if it is dry cpu will overheat since the heat cannot move to cooler.

What is alternative cooling?
It means that it uses a different way to cool the system than fans

Software doesn't detect fans either way so :)
Could be, though there aren't really a lot of ways for dust to get in due to alternative cooling of the laptop

And opening it will break the guarentee D:
Dude I have the same problem.
The thing you gotta do is put something underneath your laptop so your fan is clear from the desktop surface or anything around. Since I play with an external monitor and keyboard, I place it over a glass or over my cds support and its fine.
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