Shoot (aim game)
17 Jan 2009, 00:50
there was a journal about this a while ago but i didn't care then because i thought it was just another shitty flash game ^-^ but yeah i gave it a go and wondered how other people found it?
im just getting an A as Rank ;(
btw ur score is nearly impossible
not even fatality could do that imo
just try to press 80 times in that time...its hard enough to hit 50% of 80 shots...and u have 99% in the middle ?! srsly..
i can make a fake of that with 10000000 points
i go sleep gn8!
Must be your new could hear the target coming ;)
edit: oh yeah seemingly so.
85(headshots) * 2 Points/hs = 170
no 175 ;)
=/= 175
I Can Has Cheezburger now?
Not edited in any way, except to cut out the window.
My second highest score btw:
EDIT: just got 190 shots
Not edited in any way! ;D;;d:D;;:D:d;:D::d;D