Good gaming mouse

I am looking for a decent gamig mouse


i had mx518 so i am in need of another mouse

thx <3

shoutout to GermanyScaTmaN!
take mx518 !

i dont see it funny either
i dont see it funny either
stick with one mouse or lose skill.
deathadder !
copperhead :O
razer habu

just believe it costs 50€-60€... and be happy :->
g5 / mx518
fuck off. retard!
why so mean :<?
we have to talk!
can't atm, I'm very sick in bed with notebook.
notebook called CROSSFIRE?
no hehe, where you want to speak me about?
irc \ msn \ care
Buy Logitech no razer they are so shitty quality
50-60e for mouse, lol
ask jetro.
he asked for a gaming mouse, not for cheats
I didn't say anything about cheats!
edit: ok all i meant was the 518 3.0 and deathadder have all been used at a competitive level, and are the most common mice used. sure they're not identical but every player will have a preference out of them which for them personally will make their choice better than the other two. As far as your hardware can go towards helping you win a game, there's little difference between them.
"as tracking and aiming is concerned, the deathadder, mx518 and IME3.0 are all pretty much identical."

razerguy claimed in ourt private talk to eliminate pointer correction by updating firmware for 5 their optical mice in 2 weeks so DA will be better than ime 3.0 in every aspect /o>
pointer correction is not allways bad.
please do NOT talk about stuff you don't know about

identical "perfect control" and "malfunction speed"
open paint, draw circles with a IE 3.0, do the same thing with a DA (i test it with a db 3G same sensor) and i've must have read that topic hundreds of time.
all of the good quake3 and et players (butchji and maus for a start) who carried on with the mx518 in preference over the deathadder way after the deathadder came out, would surely of noticed such a drastic change. going off a scientific point of view, them tests show they're identical, prove otherwise please. finally, dpi may play some roll in that test you're talking about, but a lower dpi is preferential in the quake 3 engine anyway, so it's irrelevant if they're both running at 400dpi.
i never tested the mx518 so i can't and won't say anything on that, neither do i give a shit about q3 players or butchji and mAus. but when i compared the 3G sensor with the ie 3.0, it was way different, and technically the DA /is/ a better mouse, but aiming with the ie 3.0 feels more natural.

ps: about q3 players, cypher got sponsored by razer and played with a ms mouse.
What Quake players used the MX518?
ok, games based on the quake3 engine.
What other Quake based game then?
obviousley et, based on the quake 3 engine, same physics, and what people on this forum are probably playing. i referenced quake 3 because it has the same engine but probably far better players.
Well you already said ET. So when you said all good Quake players (Quake based games) and ET players, you meant all good ET players and ET players?
no, urtier just mentioned rapha, i don't know the quake 3 scene much at all but as you've just seen good quake 3 players do use mx518's. i don't see what point you're trying to make here at all?
The fact your talking about the subject as if your an expert, 'all of the good quake3 players'. I was simply challenging that view by questioning it, all I did was ask for a few names to back up your statement and you couldn't give me one.
and which quake 3 players use the DA?
Toxic and Fox have been using it for starters, doubt they still are though.
ahh ok, can you link me to where you got that information?
Go search on esreality, have fun.
indeed, and they didn't start using them until after they quit q3 for q4. also, another name from quake 3 is bodzo, who's currently raping in quake live, which uses the q3 engine.
The Deathadder didn't come out till 2007, Quake 4 came out in 2005. Would have been hard to start using it before they moved to Quake 4.
my point remains - they're no longer quake 3 players.
Well fox still managed to attend most of the Q3 lans this year, and toxic appeared at a few.
lol wat? dude you don't have a clue.
eh? quake3 players use mx518s. name me an active q3 player that uses the deathadder that started with an intelli, with links.
fox and toxic like mentioned above, maybe cypher because he got his own model but could be he sticked with his wmo 1.1
Rapha does!
Well hes American, their are a strange lot. The Swedes certainly wouldn't touch it, the Deathadder even dragged them away from their MS mice.
So what mouse do q3 players use?
he also uses the bible
I lol'd, Deathadder is way better but also more expensive
please do NOT talk about stuff you don't know about

identical "perfect control" and "malfunction speed"
mx518@(400dpi/any hz) has the same perfect control speed as mx500@1000hz.
the mistake of Sujoy when he made that comparison is that he was testing mice @ the highest (or default which is usually highest/medium)DPI setting and only made an exception for DA which he tested later, that's why mx500&mx300 were the leaders, they simply are 400dpi ones.
Actually most 1600dpi mice working @400dpi like mx518(new 18000dpi one also)/razer diamondback/razer krait/razer pro 1.6/ikari optical and many more have PERFECT CONTROL speed > 4m/s. DA vice versa is closer to laser mice perfomance wise at the lowest dpi setting which makes it not the best mouse for lowsensers as it's supposed to be. Microsoft mice are special coz unlike any of the above-mentioned mice they don't have pointer correction and that's the only thing that keeps top quake/cs aimers using them, while perfomance wise they rly suck with their 8 bit datapath even in the overclocked state, that's definitely not a lowsens mouse.
So basically "deathadder, mx518 and IME3.0 are all pretty much identical" is pure bullshit, these 3 mice are absolutely different, stop pretending to be superknowing just because you read that comparison test.
agreed and confirmed!
i prefer the 518 myself, i'm just saying that you can play at least as well with a DA and a 3.0, hence lots of good players use them, they're the main 3 used mice, and players don't play any worse playing with one of them over another one of them, where as no really good players use the g5 for instance. i meant they were the most realistic options rather than they were identical.
IE 3.0
mx518 / razer deathadder / steelseries ikari optical, just choose the most suitable shape
dont take razer... it suxx
Logitech or Roccat kone
DeathAdder, obviously
mx518! no other way
i'd go for Deathadder since you dont want another mx518 :)
buy diamondback. Im using it for over 3 years now but its dying atm :(
DeathAdder !!
*stick with mx518
*Razer deathadder

you don't really have to change when you have a mx518 tbh.. it's a nice mouse :)
the most important part of a mouse is comfort/shape, which is completely personal preference

if he doesn't like the mouse, he should change
When you are used to a razer you will hate the mx shape. when you are used to a logitech you might hate the razer shape ;)
sorry i wasn't aware that only logitech and razer made mice, Microsoft and Ikari must be fake companies
i love these threads

everyone pretty much says "LOL <insert my mouse here> IS AWESOME EVERYTHING ELSE SUCKS"

which is why you shouldn't really ask crossfire if you want serious advice

exception to this are the likes of cryptz and h8m3, and you should probably read their posts
I have a theory on winning discussions.
When about to lose, step up one meta-level and peun them!
im usin razer diamondback but i'd like to have razer deathadder or just mx518
Ballmouse, it will cost you 1€-10€, then you have max. 40€ Left, so buy a Life =) or go to a "Bordel", and spend the Girls something :-D
I've switched to a steelseries ikari optical after my MX518 died, took a few days to get used to the wider and lower shape but in the end my aim didn't change a bit.

Bought it for 39 euro's and didn't notice any worse performance compared to the MX518. If you want a cheap and good mouse, this is definately an option.
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