Linux pro's

Hi guys. Since i have been experiencing alot of fps drops n stuff lately, i wanna ask you, linux et players:

-> What distro? Ubuntu?
-> 32 or 64?
-> how can i tweak my mouse or graphics (for perfomance)?
-> how can i get sound working?
-> should i download wine to get ventrilo working properly?
-> How many gb's should i use? i want linux to play only!

Give me some tips.

speak to meez
Distro: ubuntu for starters, and use that long enough to decide for yourself.
32 or 64: Personally i use 32 out of lazyness. You're less likely to run into trouble then, although 64 might give you a tad better performance.
Tweaking: /etc/X11/xorg.conf is a key file for that
Sound: Should work out of the box, PM if not.
Wine for vent: yes.
check the edit
5 GB are enough imo
With some skillz you could set up a linux ET environment in less then one GB i suppose, but then all the .pk3s will pwn you after a while, plus it would be a pain in the ass.

My system(=OS + all programs) partition is 20 gb, and that's more than enough. Currently using 12G of it, and this is my main system. You could easily manage with 5 gb, although i recommend you to give it a little more.
7gb must be enough. I also need to re-install my windows xp. Any suggestion? 1st xp then ubuntu right?
XP first yes, or it will eat your bootloader. 7gb will do.
And, disable all the fancydesktopshizzle in ubuntu, aswell as the Composite extention in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. FPS boostz!
speak to Germany Oxy, he had linux before.
Or Finland fraxi, he plays with linux :)
another question, how can i raise y hrz for my G5 mouse??? and whats best for g5?
Depends on the other settings.
hmm using 2000dpi, i heard 400 is best but i still prefer 2000 and dont want to start over again with huge change in sens n stuff :P
Just check the cms for 180 degrees. If you have maxfps 100, screen hertz 100, put the mouse dpi to 400 and the mouse hertz to 500. Afterwards change your sensi till you have the same cms for 180 degree, voila...instant highskilled.
my screen is 75 hz, fps is like 125

and how i can change my mouse hz?
Then better change them to 125, if I am not mistaken.
Plural of 1 one mouse hertz. :O)
If you're going to be grammarnazi about it you have to call it polling rate, not mouse hertz.. [/geek]
Wtf grammarnazi? I just explained him, what I mean with "them" as he could think I am talking about more than one value.
Oh sorry, i forgot to add a smiley to my previous reply :D
But anyways, the polling rate IS one value!
But the unit of the polling rate is hertz, isn't it? So more than one hertz is plural? :P Better change the units to...whatever, care. :D
But you're not changing the hertz, you're changing the polling rate!

It's like saying "I'm going to increase my screen inches", when what you're supposed to say is "I'm going to get a bigger screen" :D (sorry, couldn't think of a better example)

Is 7 a number, or is it numbers?
Is 125hz a value, or is it values?
I didn't install any linux based os since the last format and never tried ET on it, does it have really a big effect on ur fps? Because ET is unplayable for me with pb atm.
Yes it has! No PB services aka pnkbstrb & pnkbstra !:D
But I always had problems with ATI drivers there ;/
Look i started playing et 4+ years ago at a amd 3000+ 2.0ghz with 512mb ram.. it felt better that nowadays... its unplayable. i have like 70(or less) fps UNSTABLE at gr using r_mode 6 with my pc (check profile). Seems impossible to me.... Cant play like that :\ and i cant buy a new pc
I have exactly the same situation. PB seems to need much, much more ressources than back in time. My fps drops to 40 fps infight (had even stable 125 radar in past), so it's no fun anymore.
for nvidia yes for ati not so much (lol drivers)

actual FPS should be the same (pb disabled timedemos) or within 10fps of each other, but the difference is that PB doesn't really do much so you don't get the drops.
even with ati drivers my system was able to pull out 250 fps on radar in ubuntu, and I get only around 100 in windows.

with my old Radeon 9600 pro, not the 3850 which I have now. don't use linux anymore, didn't had sound in et and that et-sdl thingy wasn't working for some reason + dual monitor support was epic fail with ati linux drivers
when i installed linux on my old computer FPS was much more stable and raised ~10 units. (It was around 60)
If you wanna have "pro-skill-upgrade" use 32 bit ubuntu,improvement is made for it.There are several tuturials for tweaking and configuring mouse and graphics (usually tweaks are in xorg.conf).
Sound works with alsa without problems.
Uubuntu 8.10 with a nvidia CG & be care if u have a wifi pci card it most be compatible with linux
<-using ethernet router ;)
Ubuntu 32 bits (you might have a lot of problems with 64), if you have integrated sound card, I have no idea how to make et working togrther with ventrilo cause it never wanted to work for me. basicly you need 1GB for / 2xYourRam for SWAP partirion and rest /home. AND instead of ventrilo use Mumlbe :)
Installing 64bits version atm :<<< hope it will work properly
there are some minor issues with soem programs :)
ehhe xD forgot i have no dvd's... had to use wubi.. do you think it will work good at same? Im writing from linux atm.. installing some updates
I know what is Wubi but never tried using it :P
thx anyway :) any idea how to install et now?
Parent in polish, but you can just copy commands or use google translate ;)
OR message on irc /Q astrum`eque if you need translation
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