gaming pad restoring

do u ppl use an extra cloth to iron ur pad after cleaning it? and if u do do then what kind of cloth u use or even paper is good enough?

retarded comments not needed!
ugh, damp lint-free cloth does the trick o/
You do iron your gaming pad? :XD
yea, it makes it almost as good as i just took it out of the box after buying it!
I don't even own one :(
use toiletpaper to wipe your cum from your mousepad
that's what u do? cum on ur pad and use it as washing powder eg and then clean ur pad with it? keep on going, i prefer other things
thats why i suck:( my mousepad is always dirty
Thought you use it as additional glide-creme :D
Your cum + yours fingers.... spread it all over your pad.
his restoring his pad not his face
oh sorry :<<<<<<<<<
clean mousepad?
i put mine titan into the washing machine, it came out perfectly clean, just dried it and continued using :o
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