Facebook Bowling Buddies

So i got to know this game called Bowling Buddies there , which made facebook interesting for the first time

been playing it from thursday till now

after having scores like 268 277 for 40+ times i finally get it going and then this happens :
image: dameendeni

i nearly pissed myself in anger
sprayin cum everywhere
u have 1 event ;x
still not enought to look on facebook
facebook sucks these days, full of kiddies moaning about maths results in 3rd grade..

http://uk.sevenload.com/ ftw!! Need a few testers and people to feedback...
I haven´t found any interest to those kinda applications...
facebook is nice for keeping in touch, looking at pics of last night etc.. doesnt really work if u dont have rl friends sry
Facebook is for attention whores.
lol bullshit
netlog is, facebook isn't
Your pic is retarded.
Play Geo Challenge now that's an interesting game.
i dont get it
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