Powertraining, once again

When my exams are over, I'll start my training again for the next triathlon season (I'm doing the 1/4 normally, which is 1000m swimming, 40km cycling and 10km running .. but I don't have enough power right now to participate in the 1/2 triathlon)

So, what I was about to do is; ( x "sport" = per week)
- februari; my normal football practises, 3 per week, EXTRA: 2x swimming, 2x training, fitness
- march; my normal football practises, 3 per week, EXTRA: 2x swimming, 2x training, fitness
- april; my normal football practises, 3 per week, EXTRA: 2x swimming, 2x training, fitness, and some more endurance running and cycling
-may; start of the actual season, from then on just the normal running/cycling/swimming trainings, nothing special

I just need some good tips for the powertraining part (I mostly have to train my chest and arms, my legs aren't the problem :P)
So any special diet or special trainings that I should take care with?
(proteins, eating alot, but healthy are things I sometimes hear)
What about sugar and stuff?

thanks for the usefull replies !
don't eat pickles or paprika chips, you'll get fat

i speak from experience
99 kg for 1m85
bmi around 27

I'm fat.
thats not so much :)
but u should start working on u :X
btw i am just little under your 1.85 and i have around 65 kg :XD
That's quite low mass, you can't have too much muscles then I think.

And yeah, this is the third year in a row my new years resolution is to do something about it. I just am a failure when it comes to that :<
Problem is that I don't relaly know what exactly to do.
i think my strength is avarage,or just little under (really little).. but i just dont have any fats.. and i cant get them.. i eat as everyone else do (just not in exact sequences.. what - in experts eyes - should move my kg's up.. but it doesnt]
you should perhaps attend "The biggest loser":

image: 2343522107_dae0c2d35a ;)
I'm not that fat.
I almost never eat that anyway :P
Guess you have more a problem with losing weight than gaigning weight? :D
I do, this must be the third year in a row I say I should lose weight. Yet I keep gaining it!
breek iets en ga naar de fysio of laat iemand je knie schijf uit de kom slaan

srsly fysio helpt ik word niet ligter maar ik heb spieren wtf :D
smaller sens in et = more moves = more exercise
lots of protein and carbs( good carbs not shitty carbs) , train hard , and get good amount of sleep.
- proteins, just the white of a boiled egg? :-)
- carbs, as in which products especially?
- train hard; meaning I better train 4 times a week than 2 (for the powertraining then?)
- I do sleep enough so :p
-proteins, yeah just egg whites, chicken, fish, or any lean red meat
- carbs , brown rice ,lots of vegetables
-train hard , nah sometimes less is more you dont want to overtrain , your muscles need time to repair after a hard workout. so about an hour or so training session a few days a week.
Play basketball instead of football, it's much better for your upper body and it trains your legs as well;)
I'm not tall enough ! :(
well me neither actually, i'm like 1.73m, but I pwn in basketball
Just run through their legs or something:D
yeah like my bro (1,72)
Eat what u like :)
go to that "im 18 do i have potential"-forum thing :P
fatburning is important :p
biesjeuuh :D
no alcohole and no drugs.. rest should be np
just train your swimming technic, distance aint that hard if you dont waste speed/energy for not knowing how to swim, cycling doesnt need practice as you got sport backround, If i was you id not train for running too much either because its not good for abilities you need in football (guessing thats still your main sport)
ye ur totally correct about everything :P
I'm improving my technical side of swimming now, just have to get some more power in my upper body, that's why I post this :-)
u seem not to need the real muscle growth traing, u need the endurance training + right diet for this.
I dont think here u can find the right answer for ur case.
right fucking place to ask, were all fat nerds -,-
still training @ gym ? :)
very nice keep going
How on earth would you expect someone to know anything about strength training for a triathlonist on this site...

My two cents:
Strength Training for Triathlon
more proteins less carbohydrates and fat!

101kg , 194cm BODYBUILDER! 170kg bunch press!

Well im traingn 5 times a week on gym + swimming joggin and muay thai!

could you upload some pictures of your current condition?
Will upload after competitons dont have any now, only that one in mine profile
wow, impressive :d
i'll start eating proteins and carbs, and train like 3 times a week or so (next to the normal football praccs etc)

gl btw :P
you don't have muscles, your just big boned
Go to your local Boxing gym and train three to four times a week and you will feel fitter then you have ever felt.
Gl with the comp Noon http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/mytips.htm
creatine is your friend, lol...
7 keer per week, isda nie veel
das dus elke dag e
ge gaat tette zijn
zwemme is voordak naar school ga, fitness alsek vant school kom, op de dagen dak gene voetbal heb :P
since you are not planing to become the next MR. T, I suggest to eat slow carbs such as:
- peeks, beans etc.

and reduce on the fast ones such as:
- pasta

according to what you are doing in 1 single week, is too much. it's not healthy :/

fastest and cheapest solution to gain weight for muscle building:
- gainers
considered creatine bro??
dont forget to play with FiF!
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