Super bowl ?

Who do you think will make it to the super bowl tonight?

Tonights games:

Philadelphia Eagles vs. Arizona Cardinals
Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Baltimore Ravens

My bet - Arizona Cardinals & Baltimore Ravens

what do you think :D?

Winner picszz

image: Arizona-Cardinals-Logo

and...JOE FLACCE <3 my loverboy

image: flacco
I don't care :(
gotta agree

cardinals - ravens

superbowl winner = ravens
steelers will win the bowl <3
Fly Eagles Fly, On The Road To Victory.
Fight Eagles Fight, Score A Touchdown 1-2-3.

Hit 'Em Low.
Hit 'Em High.
And We'll Watch Our Eagles Fly.

Fly Eagles Fly, On The Road To Victory.
Manchester United will do it.
see. proof that the draft system works.
The super bowl is gay.
Cardinals - Steelers it will be.

Why Cardinals? Fitzgerald, enough said!
Why Steelers? Defense looking daaaamn strong this time!
Phili vs Pitts for me.

I personally think Pitss have been the best team this season.
Hard to be the best (overall) team when you're carried by your defence.
Just an opinion :)
I don't care :s I don't even know what the superbowl is..
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