formatting my pc

Basically im having so much trouble with my pc lately: rebooting, blue screen of death, randomly crashing...

So this is the only option to think of.

The one thing i know is that i will need a external hardrive to save all my pictures/demos/etfolder etc

So what are the basic stuff for reformatting? What will i need for this? Any problems i will run into at some stage?

Thanks for help.
empty cd's (dvd's prefered)

+ network drivers, if you got inets you can just download rest of the stuff
Google : Formating HDD. There is a good tutorial on the first page i used about 2 years ago.

You need your windows disks and thats basically it. There wont be no problems usually with a format and re-install. Make sure you backup what you need.
Tekno come to vent and I will explain step by step :)
"player starzi kicked by punkbuster - handshake failed!"

Backup important stuff and make sure you have all drivers needed. Then unleash the fury!
just an excuse cause you lost that fight on goldrush maingate against me!
You dont necceseraly need an external HD if you have a spare one knocking about lob it in and transfer what you want to keep to the spare slave hard drive.

Also have a read through this it may help you it may not but it may save you a few quid mate.
why to backup a thing? just move important staff to nonsystem partition [c drive?]

you'll format only this partition anyway :0
formating whole disc is senseless... its better to wipe out only system partition
I use "driver genius professional" to make an .exe file of all my drivers, when formatted just run the .exe and all your drivers are installed. Use it to format PC's of other people too.
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