Cardinals Into Superbowl XLIII

Who saw that coming?

I fancied Arizona to beat them in the Wildcards but they pulled through, they demolished the Panthers in Carolina (which no-one saw coming!) and they've put out the red-hot Eagles in the Championship game.

Definately one of the best games I've seen in the 7 years I've been following the NFL.

Fingers crossed the Ravens @ Steelers game is as exciting!
baggiez - nerd
dunno, only watched the last few mins
and those were boring because it was like there was no defense (last drive mcnabb beat himself)
Was an awesome game. Hope the Ravens vs. Steelers will be as exciting.
Thought phily had it at end. Boring now the colts are gone, go ravens imo. Liverpool win the league, ravens win superbowl!
Yeah. Amazing match. Now take it, cardinals.
thought u were english
cardinals into superbowl ey? they must've got rumbled
god meez stop dribbling all over this journal
reply within 20 seconds? stop bombing around on crossfire
i wanna dribble all over you ::::PPP~~
you cant ceduce a girl in real life so you try online, how sad.
theres some ultimate rule in the "BIG BOOK OF INTERNET" that says i cant do both?

you really should invest a little more thinking, creativity and time to your comments.
was in a rush. wouldnt invest my own time to comment over someone like you unfortunately
so you admit your comment was plain stupid by making excuses? how much time does it take to make up a decent comment?
your calling my comment stupid?

what kind of weirdo says "i wanna dribble all over you" on the internet to a girl they dont even know!

Oh and i said "Wouldnt" not "would".
the kind of wierdo who doesn't take inet so seriously that i need to start acting like a doctor of psychology when somebody acts a lil silly.

yeah i know you said wouldnt, that's why i asked how much time does it take for you to come up with a decent comment.
i havent tried to come up with a decent comment ive just been stating my opinion. theres a difference.
Quoteyou cant ceduce a girl in real life so you try online, how sad.

nice opinion.
yes. my opinion is i think your sad. people may have a different opinion, although i doubt it very much.
and your opinion is based on what? one comment and bitterness cause i have always been in better clans and raped yours?
lol. im asuming you mean masculine mans, the team where most of the members got busted.
And if im not mistaken i remember a time where an ALMIGHTY mix beat you.

this convo as gone on long enough so i will be the first to say, It ends here!
never lost to a almighty mix, hype just entered wrong result to gtv
you did. it werent on ettv, it was a prac.
never lost to almighty.

never lost.
dont believe you. either is was some kind of mix with some masculine players or you're just utter bullshit.

im sensing the second one is closer.
cant even admit defeat, my opinion of you was 100% correct.
hahah, like im defeated. we have your word as proof and i dont know if it's very valid.
i have the demo if you would like to see it.
screenshots are fine. or stats.
Need more kentucky fried chicken!
steelers baby
Never followed the whole sport, it just can't interest me at all..
But unexpected wins and surprising upsets are always nice in any sport :)
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