Chinese Government enforce real names in MMO games

Friday an article appeared in the english version of the site's Chinese People's Daily Online in which we are informed that the Chinese government requires the use of real names for registration ... MMO's!
Just a bit of privacy , what the hell?


image: political-pictures-china-olympics-worthless
there are allready cameras in cybercafés and you they need to see your passport before you may use a computer
China is a bit behind on the rest of the world.
actually it's ahead of us...
don't you see all the shit politics surrounding the EU, taking away our privacy and freedom?
If you look at it that way you are indeed right.
time for some riot! Gonna go grab some sticks and stones...
Yes, China is far ahead of EU in everything
Know yourself, its bullshit. Communist countries takes all freedom, if you say a bad word, you are dead. I dont think its different now there from it was in 1946-90 at Hungary. Its not about this journal, just about your comment btw.
I have been to China and I have been to the UK. And to be honest, I felt much more uncomfortable in London with all its cameras. German and British politicians are trying to get access onto every fucking computer in the EU, without a warrant. Now that's what I call a democracy.
What do you mean by "have been"? For a long time or just as tourist? I hope you can see the difference. In a communist country there is no independent media, etc etc. Its like a tyrant regime, even if the people are smiling to you.

For your edit: I havent heard about it.
Tourist, 6 weeks each. I don't say that the Chinese regime is good in any way. But it's my argument that the situation in Western Europe is becoming worse as well.
you got your point there, the difference is just that in europe you can eg see youtube, in china you can't
in Turkey Youtube gets blocked from time to time. In Germany Wikipedia was blocked for a few days last year. I guess it won't be to long until providers have to whitelist every site.
yea, but in western europe/germany sites get blocked cause of copyright violations and so on, and not cause their leaders don't like the content. China still has a long way to go until they are a free country.
eh in Turkey youtube got blocked for some videos about the Armenian genocide, and wikipedia got blocked because of some stupid dumbfuck politician :P,1518,590643,00.html
I don´t care about turkey, they got not much to do with europe... Yes I know about that politician, cause I fekking needed wikipedia on that day =X
turkey != europe
complain about that when someone blows up the fucking tower of london or something similar like they did to us in 9/11
china is big communist thats why they want real names because china is big communist thats why they want real names because china is big communist thats why they want real names because china is big communist thats why they want real names because china is big communist thats why they want real names because china is big communist thats why they want real names because china is big communist thats why they want real names because china is big communist thats why they want real names because china is big communist...
I guess they want real names because China is big communist? :O
Pandaman. Can you help me :<?
With what? o_O
A new photo-camera, you've got some knowledge about photo's and camera's right?
I searched for a few in my price class for my holidays and I found the 'Sony DSC-H50' now my question to you: is this a good one for its price, and will it deliver me great quality photo's of my holiday?
What is your budget, and how much will you be paying for this camera?
Review sound OK for the camera,though you can expect noise and soft images >ISO 200.
Budget is about 200-250 and I'm paying 215 for this one.
I didn't understand anything of the iso soft image :x
Basically ISO stands for international standards organization (same as ASA) which if you go back to film cameras it is basically the film 'speed'
With all cameras you get 'noise' (or in film cameras you had grain) which can look quite horrible. Unfortunately, according to the reviews that Sony has noise starting from 200, which isn't the best.
The optics on it are fine, but as you start to zoom in (especially with the digital zoom) your photos will get soft (IE. not sharp) The camera should do well enough for normal photographs and such (and has plenty of other options if you want to get more 'series' photos)
I know Fuji do a nice lineup of bridge cameras (where the lens is permanently attached to the camera)
I had a Fuji s9500 for 2 years and that was cool, should be in your budget!
Chinese government requires the use of real names for registration ?

Isnt that how it works now? when creating an account for any MMO they always ask you to provide them with your real name?

Blizzard - WoW
QuoteAs such, it is imperative that you provide Blizzard Entertainment with accurate, up to date information. In the event that Blizzard Entertainment learns that you have provided false or misleading registration information, Blizzard Entertainment reserves the right to immediately terminate and disable or delete the Account.
sure thing but game rules =!= laws
I use my real name anyway or if it taken something that is like it.
Chris Chr1s Chr!s Chrls Chri$ <hris <hr1s etc etc \o/
worthless ?
Internet is no excuse
The way I like it, bitches.
Click the "PLAY" button and listen. Do you like the online audio service here?
Good initiative, if it wasn't a computer voice ;<
I thought this is the "The journal of care."

might fit as well =/
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