New U2 Song

You can listen to it here if you're interested:

U2 - Get On Your Boots

/me waits for the hate

Also, check out the new T-Mobile advert if you haven't seen it:
most overrated band ever
Agreed. their music sounds so empty too:/
I never ever heard any u2 song yet (or i just dont know they were) but they are really hyped \o/
got to agree, I guess
they made some epic nice songs man.. but yeah they're sometimes getting overhyped
Hmm, I like at least 4 of their for me for example Metallica are more overrated.
With Or Without You
Beautiful Day
all depends on preference obviously, people that prefer 'heavier' stuff will think U2 are more overrated, others think metallica is more overrated. fact is, both have some brilliant songs and therefore can't be 'overrated'. a band should be judged on their best stuff, not their worst :(
Well you got some point there but in fact would you call a band "greatest ever" if they had just one good song/album and all the rest was crap?
Who do you speak of?
That's just a hypotethical argument against his "a band should be judged on their best stuff, not their worst". Not talking about any specific band.
no, because there will be other bands who have more great songs. quality over quantity, but without the quantity of quality a band can simply be good, not the best. ;D
Hypothetically, if it's the only song/album you like, then yes.
I agree, I know a lot of bands from the '70s, '80s who have only one known song, but that's more than awesome and they made history with that!
air supply sayz hi :P
Havent heard any u2 stuff, but that song sounded like shit.

ad was great tho :)
The music aint that bad, but duuuuuuuuuuude I hate the singers' voice..
maar Apoc, iedereen weet tog dat jij heel tof bent? :D
Coldplay and U2 or Mars Volta. Straight way to hell.
not my taste...
gtfo with U2
rly, if i see bono i want to run amok
i read "get on ur boobs"
looking forward to the album
<3 u2
Bono the world saver :D Yeah, and U2 sucks
Huge slackness compared to their old stuff. I like the old songs which were on "The Unforgettable Fire" or "Achtung Baby"... But this one is really boring.
This is awful music
I like it :)
They have some decent songs, though when I listen to a couple of their songs in a row I kinda get annoyed by their sound.

Not bad stuff, not that good either.
Doesn't sound very U2
Best band ever imo.
Everytime they make an album, they bring something new.

Love the song btw :D I hope they come to Portugal again.
hehe nice commercial :)
shit band shit music
I don't like this song at all :(
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